
AstroCamera 2018 winners announced

19 juni 2018

The winners of this year’s AstroCamera competition have been announced. Polish astrophotographer Andrzej Fijołek is the winner in the Deep Sky Objects category for his spellbinding image of the Horsehead Nebula. Luigi Fiorentino of Italy took first place in the Solar System Objects category, and Petr Horálek received first prize in the Astrolandscape category.

The best three entries in each of the three categories will receive grants from the organisers, while ESO, as one of the partners of the event, will award prizes in the form of books and DVDs for the entries that have received honourable mentions from the judges.

Initially launched on 28 January 2011 in conjunction with the 400th anniversary of the birth of the 17th century astronomer Johannes Hevelius, the competition is open to all astronomy and astrophotography enthusiasts. The life and achievements of Hevelius, a renowned observer of the night sky, have inspired the Hewelianum Centre to make the AstroCamera competition a regular event.

Entries were organised into the three categories — Deep Sky Objects, Solar System Objects, and Astrolandscape — and judged according to their content, the type and brightness of their subject, the difficulty of photographing the object, the image’s uniqueness, and, finally, the aesthetics of the photograph — the picture’s visual attractiveness, sharpness and other qualities.

The breathtaking winning entries, as well as the runners-up and honorable mentions, can all be found online at the Hewelianum Centre website.



Magdalena Więcek
Centrum Hewelianum
Gdańsk, Poland
Tel: +48 58 300-08-42

Oana Sandu
Community Coordinator & Communication Strategy Officer
ESO education and Public Outreach Department
Tel: +49 89 320 069 65

Calum Turner
Assistant Public Information Officer
ESO education and Public Outreach Department
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6670

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AstroCamera astrophotography competition
AstroCamera astrophotography competition