Public visit La Silla

Date/Time: 30 de Junho de 2024 às 10:00

Location: La Silla

Meeting point: Security Gate

Duração: 3:00:00

Available places: 11

Make a reservation

Personal Data Protection Notice

ESO is committed to the protection of personal data of the users of its website. The data that users provide through this form will be used only with the purpose of coordinating your visit to ESO’s observatories. ESO will only use these personal data to provide the requested service, respond to user requests and enquiries, and will treat the data confidentially. ESO will hold your personal data for as long as it is considered necessary for the relevant purpose(s) for which the user provided the data. ESO will not collect data for commercial purposes.

Submitting data to ESO via the form is voluntary. By doing so, users grant ESO the permission to use the data for the intended purpose. It is noted that not providing certain data may result in ESO’s inability to provide the information or service requested by the user.

More information about personal data protection for web pages under is available here.

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