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ESO News
25 October 2017

Countless galaxies vie for attention in this monster image of the Fornax Galaxy Cluster, some appearing only as pinpricks of light while others dominate the foreground. One of these is the lenticular galaxy NGC 1316. The turbulent past of this much-studied galaxy has left it with a delicate structure of loops, arcs and rings that astronomers have now imaged in greater detail than ever before with the VLT Survey Telescope. This astonishingly deep image also reveals a myriad of dim objects along with faint intracluster light.

The release, images and videos are available on:

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The ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
25 October 2017


The makings of the ground-breaking gravitational waves discovery — The scientists behind the telescopes tell their stories

Interview with: Stephen Smartt and Stefano Covino

20 October 2017: Have you heard the game-changing news? For the first time ever, astronomers have observed the visible counterpart of a gravitational wave source. Gravitational waves were detected passing by Earth on ...

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 Picture of the Week

23 October 2017
ESO Open House Day 2017

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Caught in a Dust Trap  A high-tech family portrait  VLTI Revisits the Largest Yellow Hypergiant Ever Discovered  Stars and spirals  The NTT and beyond 

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