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ESO News
15 December 2015

ESO telescopes have provided an international team of astronomers with the gift of the third dimension in a plus-sized hunt for the largest gravitationally bound structures in the Universe — galaxy clusters. Observations by the VLT and the NTT complement those from other observatories across the globe and in space as part of the XXL survey — one of the largest ever such quests for clusters.

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The ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
15 December 2015

  ESO Announcements

Ireland to Explore Possibility of Joining ESO

10 December 2015: On 8 December 2015, Ireland’s intention to negotiate ESO Membership was laid out by Enda Kenny, the Prime Minister of Ireland, as he launched Innovation 2020, a five-year strategy ...

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Agreement Signed for E-ELT MAORY Adaptive Optics System

10 December 2015: An agreement has been signed between ESO and an international consortium [1] for the design and construction of the MAORY adaptive optics system, to be operated at the European Extremely ...

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 Picture of the Week

14 December 2015
A Planetary Nebula Divided

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Upcoming Exhibitions

16 December 2015: Expo Tecno Joven 2015. Santiago, Chile.

4 - 8 January 2016: AAS Winter 2016. Kissimmee, Orlando, USA.

4 - 8 July 2016: EWASS 2016. Athens, Greece.

A Galactic view from the Observation Deck  Starbirth over ALMA  Laser Vision  The Martian-like Landscape of La Silla  Infant Star’s First Steps 

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European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany