ESO Photo Release eso1221: A Deeper Look at Centaurus A. The strange galaxy Centaurus A is pictured in a new image from the European Southern Observatory. With a total exposure time of more than 50 hours this is probably the deepest view of this peculiar and spectacular object ever created. ...

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ESO News
16 May 2012

The strange galaxy Centaurus A is pictured in a new image from the European Southern Observatory. With a total exposure time of more than 50 hours this is probably the deepest view of this peculiar and spectacular object ever created. The image was produced by the Wide Field Imager of the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile.

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The ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
16 May 2012

  ESO Announcements

Halfway There: 33 ALMA Antennas on Chajnantor

15 May 2012: On the Chajnantor plateau in northern Chile, construction of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the most complex ground-based astronomy observatory in the world, continues apace. On 12 May 2012, ...

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Café & Kosmos 15 May 2012 — Digging down into the quantum world

11 May 2012: with Dr. Martin Gorbahn (Excellence Cluster Universe)While the Standard Model of particle physics explains many details of the building blocks of matter and their interactions, many questions still remain unanswered. ...

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ESOcast 43: Seeing Sharp — Special 50th anniversary episode #3

10 May 2012: Leading up to ESO’s 50th anniversary in October 2012, we are releasing eight special ESOcasts, each a chapter from the movie Europe to the Stars — ESO’s First 50 Years ...

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