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ESO News
3 June 2019

The unique capabilities of the SPHERE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope have enabled it to obtain the sharpest images of a double asteroid as it flew by Earth on 25 May. While this double asteroid was not itself a threatening object, scientists used the opportunity to rehearse the response to a hazardous Near-Earth Object (NEO), proving that ESO’s front-line technology could be critical in planetary defence.

The release, images and videos are available on:

Kind regards,
The ESO Department of Communication
3 June 2019


Astronomical failures — Some of the “mistakes” that have led to our current understanding of science

Laura Hiscott

Nicole Shearer

31 May 2019: We want to share a secret: scientists fail all the time. A lot of scientific research leads to a “null” result, meaning that it is not a discovery. And though ...

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