ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy
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ESO News
26 September 2018

On 26 September, John Halligan T.D., Irish Minister of State for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development and Xavier Barcons, Director General of ESO signed the Accession Agreement that will lead to Ireland joining the European Southern Observatory (ESO) — the world’s most productive astronomical observatory. ESO is looking forward to welcoming Ireland and will work with the nation’s astronomers and industry to advance the cutting edge of astronomy.

The release, images and videos are available on:

Kind regards,
The ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
26 September 2018

  ESO Announcements

ESO’s VLT Adaptive Optics Facility receives the 2018 Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award

18 September 2018: The pioneering work of ESO’s Adaptive Optics Facility (AOF) team has been recognised by the Optical Society (OSA). The AOF team have been awarded the 2018 Paul F. Forman ...

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ESO Open House Day 2018

13 September 2018: On Saturday 13 October 2018 between 11:00 and 18:00 CEST, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) will open its doors to the public at its headquarters in Garching bei ...

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The Rise of Astrotourism in Chile — And the importance of preserving the magnificent dark skies over ESO’s telescopes

Nicole Shearer

21 September 2018: For the ultimate stargazing experience, Chile is an unmissable destination. The skies above the Atacama Desert are clear for about 300 nights per year, so this high, dry and dark ...

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 Pictures of the Week

24 September 2018
Leviathan of the Atacama

17 September 2018
An explosive phoenix

Upcoming Events


24 - 29 June 2019: Starmus V

2 July 2019: Total Solar Eclipse

Upcoming Exhibitions

28 September 2018: European Researchers’ Night SHARPER. Naples and Caserta, Italy.

4 - 10 October 2018: Space Week. Dublin and Cork, Ireland.

5 - 6 October 2018: Ciencia Fest 2018. Santiago, Chile.

Summer Astrocamp 2018  Unrivalled vistas at La Silla  V is for VLT  Under the celestial arch  A fulldome family portrait 

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European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany