Video News Release 19: Far away Galaxy under the Microscope (eso0631a)

SINFONI Discovers Rapidly Forming, Large Proto-Disc Galaxies Three Billion Years After The Big Bang

An international group of astronomers have discovered large disc galaxies akin to our Milky Way that must have formed on a rapid time scale, only 3 billion years after the Big Bang. In one of these systems, the combination of adaptive optics techniques with the new SINFONI spectrograph on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) resulted in a record-breaking resolution of a mere 0.15 arcsecond, giving an unprecedented detailed view of the anatomy of such a distant proto-disc galaxy.

Read more about it on eso0631.

This Video News Release is targeted especially at broadcasters for further editing. In order to keep the audio tracks editable, different sound information has been recorded on two separate tracks at optimal volumes as is common standard in professional post production. This video is not meant for on screen viewing — on ESOcasts are better suited for that.



A proposito del video

Data di pubblicazione:17 Agosto 2006
Notizie relative:eso0631
Durata:04 m 53 s
Frame rate:30 fps

A proposito delll'oggetto


Grande QT
73,8 MB


Podcast Video
56,1 MB
MPEG-1 medio
113,5 MB
Flash medio
61,1 MB


Flash piccolo
28,5 MB
QT piccolo
18,3 MB

For Broadcasters