Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting

Brisbane, Australia, July 23-27, 1996

First Announcement (extract)

The Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting is to be held in Brisbane, Australia, on July 23-27, 1996 and will include several special sessions on topics in planetary astronomy.

A 2-day session on the SL9 impacts with Jupiter is being convened by V. Meadows and includes invited talks by R. Beebe, S. Brecht, J. Clarke, I. de Pater, D. Hunten, M. Iizima, M. McGrath, V. Meadows, P. Nicholson, R. Sault, A. Sprague and S. Takeuchi.

A full day session is also planned to cover the results of the International Jupiter Watch to date. Invited speakers include N. Thomas, J. Spencer, R. Prange, I. de Pater, J. Clarke, G. Ballester, G. R. Gladstone, H. Rucker, M. Klein and K. Imai. A second full day session is planned on the Early Results from the Galileo probe and orbiter. Invited speakers include R. Beebe, H. Niemann, D. Hunten, A. Seiff, B. Ragent, K. Rinnert, R. Carlson, J. Anderson, D. Williams and C. Russell. A third session will cover the remaining outer planets with invited presentations from A. Lane, K. Noll, W. Hubbard, L. Ben Jaffel, B. Fegley, A. Sanchez-Lavega, M. Buie, J. Trauger, D. Crisp, L. Trafton and W. Ip.

Other planetary sessions being organized include: Inner planets (convener, J. G. Luhmann); Venus tectonics (convener, R. J. Phillips); and Australian impact craters (convener, L. Hamilton).

For more information see URL http://meetings.agu.org/ on the World Wide Web or send an email message to vsm@frisky.jpl.nasa.gov (for the SL9 session), or ctrussell@igpp.ucla.edu (all other planetary sessions). Abstract deadline is March 15, 1996 at AGU Headquarters, 2000 Florida Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20009. Abstracts can also be submitted electronically and instructions on how to do this can be found on the AGU home page at URL http://www.agu.org.