July 2024

31/07/24 (Wednesday)
10:00, Library (ESO HQ, Garching) | ESO Garching
Informal Discussion
Talk — Experiments with chatGPT for user support at ESO
Paula Sanchez Saez (ESO)


In this talk, I will present the experiments we are conducting at the User Support Department (USD) to create a chatGPT-based chatbot to support ESO users. We are using the new OpenAI tool called “GPT”, which allowed us to create a custom version of ChatGPT focused on supporting users of ESO instruments and on helping users with the ESO phase 1 and phase 2 processes.  The current version uses as context public manuals for all the VLT instruments, and a few La Silla instruments, as well as some official public ESO webpages. This GPT is still in the development and testing phase and, thus, is not publicly available yet.

However, to help us test the tool, we encourage any interested ESO student/fellow/staff member to sign up to become a beta tester.