
Join Us on a Journey to the Stars — the ESOblog Goes Live!

1. september 2017

ESO now has a blog: the ESOblog! The project aims to share with readers from all walks of life day to day stories from the world’s most productive ground-based observatory. ESO currently operates an impressive fleet of telescopes, equipped with several dozen instruments, that together are pushing astronomy research towards ever more exciting discoveries.

Hidden behind the scenes of all this work are amazing stories about our people, our technology and the science they enable. The ESOblog was born from a desire to share more of the many interesting stories at ESO, going beyond the news items that we already release.

The blog has the following categories:

  1. People@ESO: more about the people who make ESO work;
  2. On the Ground: stories about the ESO Sites and facilities;
  3. Letters from the DG;
  4. Outreach@ESO: behind the scenes of ESO’s public-facing communication;
  5. Science Snapshots: quirky or interesting scientific results from our community;
  6. Science@ESO: science done by ESO scientists;
  7. Stars@ESO: famous people visiting the ESO Sites;
  8. HighTech ESO: technological achievements by ESO and industry.


Join us on a journey to the stars with the ESOblog.



Lauren Fuge
ESO Assistant Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany

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