
ESO Receives Marca España Award

12 juni 2018

On 31 May 2018, ESO received the Friend of Marca España award in Santiago, Chile. The award ceremony took place at the annual dinner organised by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Chile, and the prizes were awarded by Marca España, a government agency devoted to promoting Spain’s international image.

The Friends of Marca España prizes are awarded annually to individuals and organisations that have been singled out for reinforcing the cooperation between Spain and the country where the award ceremony takes place. In 2018, on the occasion of the Friends of Marca España awards in Chile, ESO has been distinguished for its continued efforts to further strengthen and nurture collaboration between European and Chilean astronomy.

The award was collected by Fernando Comerón, former ESO Representative in Chile, on behalf of ESO. In his acceptance speech Comerón remarked that “The distinction acknowledges the collective task of a European organisation that has been collaborating with Chile for over fifty years. Moreover, this has a special meaning for Spain, as Spain and Chile share a common responsibility of hosting some of the most privileged sites on Earth for the observation of the skies. ESO is an organisation that brings Chile, Spain and the rest of Europe together in an endeavor that goes beyond boundaries, and it is very rewarding to see Marca España associating itself with this endeavor.

The award ceremony was presided over by Mr. Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros, High Commissioner of the Spanish Government for Marca España, and was attended by over 500 participants, including three Chilean state ministers, four vice ministers, government, parliamentary and academic authorities, many entrepreneurial representatives and, last but not least, former President of the Republic of Chile Mr. Ricardo Lagos, who also was one of the awardees.


Richard Hook
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591

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“Friend of Marca España” award
“Friend of Marca España” award
Recipients of the Friends of Marca España awards
Recipients of the Friends of Marca España awards