Plot ? |
Symb ? |
Source * |
Average ? |
Thresholds ? |
N_ data |
QC1 parameter |
Data downloads |
Remarks |
method |
value |
unit |
method |
value |
1 |
• | QC1DB |
1 |
VAL | 0.965,1.002 |
161 |
qc_twilight_median |
this |
last_yr |
All filters (except u_g_r_i_SDSS): median level in master TWILIGHT flats averaged over all 32 detectors (ADU) |
2 |
• | QC1DB |
1 |
none | |
4965 |
qc_twilight_median |
this |
last_yr |
All filters (except u_g_r_i_SDSS): median level in master TWILIGHT flats for each individual detector (ADU) |
3 |
• | QC1DB |
none |
none |
none | |
161 |
qc_twilight_std |
this |
last_yr |
All filters (except u_g_r_i_SDSS): standard deviation of master TWILIGHT flats averaged over all 32 detectors (ADU) |
4 |
■ | LOCAL |
none |
none |
none | |
5600 |
det_id |
n/a |
score per detector: GREEN = within the thresholds |
4 |
■ | LOCAL |
none |
none |
none | |
0 |
det_id |
n/a |
score per detector: RED = beyond the thresholds |
*Data sources: QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local data source
Plot 1 scores: not implemented
| data source: | omegacam_twilight (QC1 database) |
dataset: | qc_twilight_median | • |
median: | 1 | ADU |
fixed thresholds: | 0.965...1.002 | ADU |
N_data plotted: | 161 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 2 scores: not implemented
| data source: | omegacam_twilight (QC1 database) |
dataset: | qc_twilight_median | • |
median: | 1 | ADU |
thresholds: | none | |
N_data plotted: | 4965 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 3 scores: no current data
| data source: | omegacam_twilight (QC1 database) |
dataset: | qc_twilight_std | • |
average: | none |
thresholds: | none |
N_data plotted: | 161 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 4 scores: not implemented
| data source: | local data source
dataset: (numbers below apply to this dataset) | det_id | ■ |
average: | none |
thresholds: | none |
N_data plotted: | 5600 |
[click plot for closeup] |
This plot
Trending plots for master TWILIGHT flat levels: ALL filters (except u_g_r_i_SDSS).
QC parameters are derived from each of 32 detectors of OmegaCAM TWILIGHT master flat frames.
All master twilight flat filters can be compared in a single Health Check
plot since their flux levels are normalized.
DB Name: omegacam_twilight
QC1 DB: qc_twilight_median / qc_twilight_std
The master twilight flat flux levels as measured from the twilight flat pipeline product frame MASTER_FLAT_TWILIGHT
BIN.X / BIN.Y / READ.MODE / READ.SPEED = 1/1/normal/normal
These Health Check plots describe:
Fig. 1 median_lev_AVG: The median flux level of all of
the normalized master twilight flats averaged over all 32 detectors (in ADU).
This plot is sensitive to any changes common to all detectors.
Fig. 2 median_lev_ALL: The median flux level of the
normalized master twilight flats for each individual detector (in
ADU). This plot is sensitive changes in individual detectors.
Fig. 3 rms_AVG: The standard deviation of the master
twilight flat averaged over all 32 detectors (in ADU).
Fig. 4 score_outliers: Scores of the master twilight flat median level as
measured for each of the 32 detectors.
Green = within the defined thresholds.
Red = beyond the defined thresholds.
OmegaCAM detector plane layout (detector_ID locations):

General information
Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.
The latest date is indicated on top of the plot.
If configured,
- data points belonging to the latest date are specially marked
- statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
- outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the
threshold lines
- "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow (↑ or ↓)
- you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up