Plot ? |
Symb ? |
Source * |
Average ? |
Thresholds ? |
N_ data |
QC1 parameter |
Data downloads |
Remarks |
method |
value |
unit |
method |
value |
1 |
| QC1DB |
0.965 |
none |
VAL | 0.85,1.0 |
98 |
mincoher_sc12 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 12, MEDIUM resolution, SC, SPLIT polarimetry |
2 |
| QC1DB |
0.932 |
none |
VAL | 0.83,0.94 |
98 |
mincoher_sc13 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 13, MEDIUM resolution, SC, SPLIT polarimetry |
3 |
| QC1DB |
0.966 |
none |
VAL | 0.85,0.98 |
98 |
mincoher_sc14 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 14, MEDIUM resolution, SC, SPLIT polarimetry |
4 |
| QC1DB |
0.922 |
none |
VAL | 0.86,0.95 |
98 |
mincoher_sc23 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 23, MEDIUM resolution, SC, SPLIT polarimetry |
5 |
| QC1DB |
0.972 |
none |
VAL | 0.85,0.99 |
98 |
mincoher_sc24 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 24, MEDIUM resolution, SC, SPLIT polarimetry |
6 |
| QC1DB |
0.942 |
none |
VAL | 0.85,0.95 |
98 |
mincoher_sc34 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 34, MEDIUM resolution, SC, SPLIT polarimetry |
7 |
| QC1DB |
0.96 |
none |
VAL | 0.92,0.975 |
68 |
mincoher_sc12 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 12, MEDIUM resolution, SC, COMBINED polarimetry |
8 |
| QC1DB |
0.939 |
none |
VAL | 0.86,0.95 |
68 |
mincoher_sc13 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 13, MEDIUM resolution, SC, COMBINED polarimetry |
9 |
| QC1DB |
0.968 |
none |
VAL | 0.85,0.985 |
68 |
mincoher_sc14 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 14, MEDIUM resolution, SC, COMBINED polarimetry |
10 |
| QC1DB |
0.93 |
none |
VAL | 0.86,0.95 |
68 |
mincoher_sc23 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 23, MEDIUM resolution, SC, COMBINED polarimetry |
11 |
| QC1DB |
0.952 |
none |
VAL | 0.89,0.97 |
68 |
mincoher_sc24 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 24, MEDIUM resolution, SC, COMBINED polarimetry |
12 |
| QC1DB |
0.951 |
none |
VAL | 0.85,0.96 |
68 |
mincoher_sc34 |
this |
last_yr |
minimum coherence, base line 34, MEDIUM resolution, SC, COMBINED polarimetry |
*Data sources: QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local data source
Plot 1 scores: 9|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc12 | |
median: | 0.965 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.85...1.0 | none |
N_data plotted: | 98 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 2 scores: 9|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc13 | |
median: | 0.932 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.83...0.94 | none |
N_data plotted: | 98 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 3 scores: 9|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc14 | |
median: | 0.966 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.85...0.98 | none |
N_data plotted: | 98 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 4 scores: 9|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc23 | |
median: | 0.922 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.86...0.95 | none |
N_data plotted: | 98 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 5 scores: 9|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc24 | |
median: | 0.972 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.85...0.99 | none |
N_data plotted: | 98 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 6 scores: no current data
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc34 | |
median: | 0.942 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.85...0.95 | none |
N_data plotted: | 98 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 7 scores: 2|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc12 | |
median: | 0.96 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.92...0.975 | none |
N_data plotted: | 68 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 8 scores: 2|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc13 | |
median: | 0.939 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.86...0.95 | none |
N_data plotted: | 68 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 9 scores: 2|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc14 | |
median: | 0.968 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.85...0.985 | none |
N_data plotted: | 68 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 10 scores: 2|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc23 | |
median: | 0.93 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.86...0.95 | none |
N_data plotted: | 68 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 11 scores: 2|
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc24 | |
median: | 0.952 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.89...0.97 | none |
N_data plotted: | 68 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 12 scores: no current data
| data source: | gravity_p2vm (QC1 database) |
dataset: | mincoher_sc34 | |
median: | 0.951 | none |
fixed thresholds: | 0.85...0.96 | none |
N_data plotted: | 68 |
[click plot for closeup] |
This plot
Trending plots for normalized coherence from P2VM calibrations
for each baseline.
Note about LOW resolution: with pipeline version 1.2.x, installed 2019-03-25 for QC,
some QC parameters for P2VM do not give meaningful values. This includes the coherence
for individual baselines.
Plotting of these parameters and scoring has therefore been stopped for LOW resolution.
General information
Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.
The latest date is indicated on top of the plot.
If configured,
- data points belonging to the latest date are specially marked
- statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
- outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the
threshold lines
- "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow (↑ or ↓)
- you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up