Uta Grothkopf


In 1991, I joined ESO as Head Librarian. My professional activities include:

  1. manage library and collection development

  2. streamline access to information resources for ESO scientists and engineers with special focus on electronic access

  3. maintain the ESO telescope bibliography (telbib) including methods to derive statistics

  4. monitor and evaluate developments in information retrieval, copyright and access regulations, attention and impact measures in scientific publishing, as well as tools and technologies to support science workflows; make informed decisions about their potential value for the ESO libraries

  5. coordinate operations in Garching and Chile libraries

  6. provide user assistance

  7. foster collaboration among librarians

During recent years, I got particularly involved in bibliometric studies (see some of the papers listed at http://www.eso.org/sci/libraries/useful_links/publications.html). Together with Chris Erdmann (now Head Librarian of the Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA), and Silvia Meakins, my colleague since September 2010, I develop and maintain the ESO Telescope Bibliography (telbib) and FUSE, our semi-automated fulltext search tool. Both programs are used to track ESO-related papers, store metadata, and generate statistics and reports. More information about telbib and FUSE can be found at http://www.eso.org/sci/libraries/telbib_info.html.

I am a member of the IAU (International Astornomical Union) where I have been a Consultant to Commission 5 “Documentation and Astronomical Data” since 1994 and the co-chair of the Working Group on Astronomical Libraries (www.eso.org/libraries/IAU-WGLib/) from 1997 to 2008. In 2007, I became a member of the advisory section of the IAU Editorial Board. I was a lecturer at the SWYA (Scientific Writing for Young Astronomers, www.swya.org) Schools in Blankenberge, Belgium (2008 and 2009), and Tihany, Hungary (2014). Since 1995, I have been actively involved in all LISA (Library and Information Services in Astronomy, www.eso.org/libraries/lisa.html) conferences.

Useful Links:

ESO Libraries

ESO Telescope Bibliography

Information about telbib and fuse

ESO Libraries Publications

Disclaimer: Any view or statement made is not part of an offical standpoint of ESO.


Professional Activities

European Southern Observatory

Selected Presentations
(see ESO Libraries Publications for full list)

ESO telbib: linking in and reaching out
U. Grothkopf & S. Meakins
Presentation at LISA VII, Naples, Italy, 2014
[paper | presentation slides]

Swift publication statistics and the comparison with other major observatories
S. Savaglio & U. Grothkopf
Poster at LISA VII, Naples, Italy, 2014
[paper | poster]

Koha @ ESO reloaded
S. Meakins & U. Grothkopf
Presentation at LISA VII, Naples, Italy, 2014
[paper | presentation slides]

Two years of ALMA bibliography
S. Meakins, U. Grothkopf, M.J. Bishop, F. Stoehr & K. Tatematsu
Poster at SPIE 9149, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2014
[paper | manuscript | poster]

The ESO Telescope Bibliography - now and then
U. Grothkopf & S. Meakins
Poster at ESO@50 conference, Garching, Germany, 2012