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2 Examples

How to run the mstransform task for several common use-cases.

  1. Split three spectral windows of a field and save to a new MS.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', datacolumn='data', spw='1~3', field='JUPITER')
  2. Combine four spectral windows into one.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', combinespws=True, spw='0~3')
  3. Apply Hanning smoothing in MS with 24 spws. Do not combine spws.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', hanning=True, datacolumn='data')
  4. Create a multi-MS parted per spw, in paralell, based on the input channel selection.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='out.mms', spw='0~4,5:1~10', createmms=True, separationaxis='spw', parallel=True)
  5. Average channels in CORRECTED column using a bin of 3 channels in XX.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', spw='0:5~16', correlation='XX', chanaverage=True, chanbin=3)
  6. Average channels in CORRECTED column using a a list of bins. It will average spw='1' with a bin of 2 channels, and spw='2' with a bin of 4 channels.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', spw='1~2', chanaverage=True, chanbin=[2,4])

  7. Combine spws and regrid MS to new channel structure. Average width is 2 channels.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', datacolumn='DATA', field='11', combinespws=True, regridms=True, nchan=1, width=2)
  8. Regrid MS to a new channel structure, change reference frame to BARY and set new phasecenter to that of field 1. Use mode frequency for the parameters.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', datacolumn='DATA', spw='0', regridms=True, nchan=2, mode='frequency', width='3MHz',
                start='115GHz', outframe='BARY', phasecenter=1)
  9. Set a custom tile shape for the output MS using the parameter tileshape. This will set the tileshape to 4 correlations, 64 channels and 1024 rows.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', tileshape=[4,64,1024])
  10. Separate a large input spw into a regular grid of 5 output spws, each with 10 channels.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', spw='0', regridms=True, nchan=10, nspw=5)
  11. Apply time averaging on the default CORRECTED column using a maximum separation of start-to-end baselines that can be included in the average.
    mstransform(vis='', outputvis='', timeaverage=True, timebin='10s', maxuvwdistance=1E5)

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Sandra Castro 2014-12-16