musings on the report

NIRSpec assignment #3

NGST ASWG NIR spectrograph subcommittee

Following our second telecon, here are some thoughts and reflections which could go towards our report. Although we have all pondered these issues a great deal, it has really not been easy to converge to the point where the choice is obvious. There are exciting - if rather different - aspects to both MOS and IFS multiplexing and I try to remain non-partisan about assessing them. I only wish I had a better understanding of how the MOS might work in practice! It would have been good to have had a groundbased instrument to look at at this stage. It is clear that there significant experience with the slicer-based IFUs and I know that the studies have gone through tough reality-checks regarding mass and volume.

We seem to have two major issues to address:

  1. The description of what we expect the sky to look like - and how this is interpreted in terms of DRM programs.
  2. The practical options for multiplexing and resolution and how these match the sky and DRM.

I'm sure that Jon, Santiago, Harry, Simon etc. have done the best job that can be done on (1). The numbers - and how we present them - will be very valuable.

I think we have a reasonable understanding of the options in (2) to first order. The MOS and IFS cover the parameter space in rather different ways. We know we can do the trades between field, crowding/overlapping, slit losses etc. for each choice of resolution. One thing we must be careful about - and it is a thought which has been expressed by several people (notably Simon) in different ways - is that there is a kind of 'logical loop' in the DRM process. We base the DRM on our idea of the Yardstick ISIM and, not surprisingly, start converging towards the Yardstick-type instruments to carry out the DRM.

There is a rather fundamental difference here between a wide field MOS and a smaller field IFS. The MOS design limits the maximum space density of sources which can be observed - because of crowding/overlapping - and is most 'efficient' when it is used near this space density (magnitude). This means that the instrument 'resonates' with the sky at some magnitude limit (for a given class of object) and quickly becomes less efficient away from this situation. I worry that there may be few such resonances within the total NGST program (DRM + what we have not thought of yet). The IFS, on the other hand, has no such resonance - which means that its peak 'multiplexing efficiency' is lower - but it may look considerably better when the integral is done over all the programs.

I have put some other issues in this comparison table. I have added my own selection of winners in pink (we could argue about) and strong winners in red (we'd probably all agree on).

Characteristic MOS IFS
multiplex advantage high at optimum space density
poor for crowded fields
unused detector at lower density (?)
great flexibility
just depends on space density of
'interesting objects'
smaller total field
excellent for crowded fields
good for finding emission lines
optical throughput nominal
can suffer slit losses depending
on object morphology/size
no slit losses
optical design concern about spectrograph
volume/weight for wide field
multiple small spectrographs
for wide field module
spectral resolution can use multiple gratings fixed in the slicer designs
stray light a concern -
some diffraction calculations
have been done
some practical experience with 3D
and the IFMOS design
texhnical risk MMA/MSA under development slicer concept proved
operational risk (several) moving parts (few or) no moving parts
operational complexity needs pre-imaging and
high pointing/tracking precision
but great operational flexibility
point and shoot -
low pointing precision needed

There are two major issues that we are not in a very good position to judge ourselves. I think these should come out in the report as important questions which have to be addressed before any decision on multiplexing is made. These are, firstly, the implied mass/volume of the spectrograph(s) needed to achieve the level of multiplexing advertised and properly taking into account the diffraction problems and, secondly, the realistic estimation of the stray light reaching the detector.

I emphasise that, in my view, the achievment of ultimate sensitivity on a single source is the primary requirement with the degree of multiplexing coming in as second. I expect that some people may argue with this and say that it is the completion of the DRM which matters. I would answer that the requirement of sensitivity will not change over the next decade but the perception of the current DRM most certainly will!

21 October 1999 Bob Fosbury Send Comments NGST home