NGST Conjunction

A mini-workshop on future Opt/IR telescopes in space and on the ground

ESO Rm 231/232, Wednesday, 7 July 1999, 10am

Actual programme
10:00 - Bob Fosbury - Introduction and current status of NGST in Europe
10:30 - Pete Stockman - Science drivers: The Design Reference Mission (DRM)
11:15 - General discussion, including
  • Gert Finger - IR detector developments and noise characteristics
  • Ulli Kaeufl - Groundbased performance at longer wavelengths
about 12:30 - Lunch break
14:00 - Peter Shaver - ALMA
14:00 - Roberto Gilmozzi - The future of large groundbased telescopes
15:10 - Stefano Cristiani - the ESA spectrograph study
15:25 - Santiago Arribas - Integral field/Multi-object spectrograph trade study

7 July 1999 Bob Fosbury Send Comments NGST Homepage