ITEM_TITLE Simultaneous arclamp ITEM_ANAME simlamp

An exposure (about 120 sec integration time) with the arclamp of the simultaneous calibration unit is daily taken. With the HR grating, they are taken for each of the five fibre systems. For the LR grating, only Medusa1 is taken. See the caption for the exact settings used. These data are used as check of the spectral format (motions of the 2 gratings), of the lamp stability and of the fibre systems health. Find a description of the calibration files and of the grating stability here.

TITLE QC1 parameters TABLE_NAME qc1_parameter TABLE_TYPE QC1_TABLE TABLE_ROW1 [calculated by the QC procedure] SEP giraffe_simlamp..flux TITLE Trending

The trending plot has two panels, one with the fluxes from the five HR settings, one with the fluxes from the Medusa1 LR setting (all are taken as daily health checks).

TABLE_NAME trending1 TABLE_TYPE FIGURE_1B TABLE_IMG1 "../img/simcal.gif" width="744" height="249" border="1" TABLE_CAP1 Plots 1-5: Upper panel, fluxes of the simultaneous calibration arclamp in the five HR settings.

Panel 1 shows the lamp flux (in counts per sec) as measured in each slit system with the HR setting (H525.8B). It shows the lamp performance modulated by the fibre efficiencies. The flux difference between the Medusa and the IFU/Argus systems is due to the different fibre diameter (1.2 arcs versus 0.5 arcs).

TABLE_NAME trending2 TABLE_TYPE FIGURE_1A TABLE_IMG1 "../img/simcal2.gif" width="188" height="199" border="1" TABLE_CAP1 Plot 6: Lower panel, the same for Medusa1 L543.1

The second panel shows the fluxes for the Medusa1 LR grating.

If a certain trend effect is visible in *all* slits, it is likely to be caused by the lamp. If it shows up in one fibre system only, it originates in that particular fibre system.

TITLE Scoring&thresholds Thresholds are set such that over-exposure is avoided. The risk of the lamp getting too bright is that bright emission lines might affect the science signal of nearby fibres through cross-talk. This is very much depending on setup (central wavelength), and the upper threshold is set conservatively and empirically. The lower threshold is set such as to detect lamp failures safely. As the FULL plot shows, lamp fluxes have been fairly fluctuating over the years, and also seem to have a seasonal component, all this arguing for a loose and conservative thresholding. TITLE History

The total lamp flux usually slowly increases with time. It is dimmed electronically when it exceeds a certain threshold, to avoid saturation. This happened in 2004-02, in 2007-03 and again in 2017-11. In the later case, PPRS-070892 collects the related activities. In 2005-07 ... 2005-09, the lamp faded and needed to be stabilized. TITLE Algorithm

One emission line in one of the simultaneous calibration fibres is selected. Its flux is integrated (in counts per sec). This is done by a QC procedure since there is no pipeline recipe.