This is the documentation of all QC1 procedures used for assessment and certification of
pipeline products. These procedures are called by processQC. Their output is reviewed by certifyProducts. The web pages are created and maintained by the tqs tool qcDocu.
All QC procedures are stored under $DFO_PROC_DIR. You need to enter the name of each QC procedure in
the tool configuration file, $DFO_CONFIG_DIR/qcDocu/config.qcDocu. There is another configuration file,
config.qcDocu_instr, which is the central
file to configure all instruments listed in the vertical navigation bar. This one is downloaded automatically by the tool, you don't need to care about it.
For each QC1 procedure and instrument, there is one page.
Most of the documentation text is configured in the header of the QC procedure ("self-documentation").
The name of each QC1 procedure to be listed here is configured in the tool configuration file.
In order to provide links to example or reference QC1 plots (the ones you generate with the procedures and
review in certifyProducts), you need to provide them locally under $DFO_CONFIG_DIR/qcDocu. They are then transferred to the QC1 docu web site.