This documentation is intended both for QC scientists and SciOps astronomers (who may want to ignore the technical information displayed in grey).
uves.MeasureQuality -a <AB> -c fmtcheck_fib.prg [-i|--NOingestQC1pars]
<AB> is the Association Block
[-i] forces QC1 parameter ingestion (default)
[--NOingestQC1pars] prevents QC1 parameter ingestion
Comparison of raw, master and/or reference FMTCHK_MOS_RED files
for UVES QC assessment;
QC1 values are calculated and fed into the QC1 table.
QC1 plot(s) and/or display(s) are generated,
and later reviewed within certifyProducts.
The generated plots stored in $DFO_PLT_DIR/$DATE
with the name r.<DPid>_tpl_0000.fits.png where <DPid>
is the Data Product Identification of the first frame of the
trending | table(s) in QC1 database:
trending | HealthCheck plot(s) associated to this procedure:
trending | associated documentation:
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A montage image made up of the following individual reports simply for the purposes
of easier/better display in XV during the certification process. Created together
with the reference montage (see below) within the uves.MeasureQuality script.
Can be recreated manually by calling the script
uves.makeQCreportMontage -a <AB>, see uves.makeQCreportMontage -h for more details.
A montage image made up from the individual QC reports of the reference AB located by
the script uves.getRefAB. During certification, the two montage images are blinked to
facilitate identification of unusual features. This reference montage created at the
same time as the AB montage (see above).The montage of the reference AB is easily
identified during the blinking as the one with the grey background.
From left to right (more or less), top to bottom:
plot 1:trace across the central row of the RAW frame of the UPPER chip
plot 2:trace across the central row of the RAW frame of the LOWER chip
plot 3:trace across the central column of the RAW frame
plot 4:XDIFF vs YDIFF plot for the UPPER chip, where XDIFF & YDIFF are the differences between the measured positions of each line and the positions expected from the physical model. Ideally the points in this plot should cluster about 0,0, but the pipeline seems capable to cope with deviations of upto -10,+10 in both axes (the pipeline developer expects 'problems' at values much larger than +/-10 however this range has not been 'explored' in normal operations). Jumps (of completely unpredicatable nature) are often seen in these parameters due to earthquakes and any other influence (e.g. maintenance/intervention operations) which 'disturb' the instrument. Jumps in BLUE and RED arms can be completely UNCORRELATED.
plot 5:Distribution of located lines by echelle order for the UPPER chip, plus number of lines per order
plot 6:XDIFFs (as above) as a function of position along each order for the UPPER chip
plot 7:XDIFFs (as above) as a function of position along each order for the LOWER chip
plot 8:YDIFFs (as above) as a function of position along each order for the UPPER chip
plot 9:YDIFFs (as above) as a function of position along each order for the LOWER chip
plot 10:XDIFF vs YDIFF plot for the LOWER chip, where XDIFF & YDIFF are the differences between the measured positions of each line and the positions expected from the physical model. Ideally the points in this plot should cluster about 0,0, but the pipeline seems capable to cope with deviations of upto -10,+10 in both axes (the pipeline developer expects 'problems' at values much larger than +/-10 however this range has not been 'explored' in normal operations). Jumps (of completely unpredicatable nature) are often seen in these parameters due to earthquakes and any other influence (e.g. maintenance/intervention operations) which 'disturb' the instrument. Jumps in BLUE and RED arms can be completely UNCORRELATED.
plot 11:Distribution of located lines by echelle order for the LOWER chip, plus number of lines per order
MIDAS display of the RAW frame (both CHIPs) with the located emission lines indicated by squares and all squares within a given order joined by a line.
Same as previous but closeup of central region of LOWER chip with lines indicated by crosses. Note also that the "joining lines" only show joined up to the points within the display, so short lines or orders without any points at all in the displayed central region does NOT indicated no points at all (or no more) in the order, outside the displayed region.
Same as previous but closeup of central region of UPPER chip with lines indicated by crosses. Note also that the "joining lines" only show joined up to the points within the display, so short lines or orders without any points at all in the displayed central region does NOT indicated no points at all (or no more) in the order, outside the displayed region.
QC1 parameters written into QC1 table:
QC1db names: lambda_min | lambda_max | order_min | order_max | mean_dx | sigma_dx | mean_dy | sigma_dy | median_shftx | median_shfty | nlin_all | nlin_sel | ins_temp4_mean | ins_temp1_mean | ins_press_mean
QC1 params created by pipeline:
QC1 params created by this procedure:
Description of algorithms: Algorithms for pipeline created keywords are (in principal) described in the pipeline user's manual
- lambda_min: minimum wavelength [Angstrom], product keyword QC.WLENMIN
Description: minimum wavelength
- lambda_max: maximum wavelength [Angstrom], product keyword QC.WLENMAX
Description: maximum wavelength
- order_min: minimum order number, product keyword QC.ORDMIN
Description: minimum order number detected
- order_max: maximum order number, product keyword QC.ORDMAX
Description: maximum order number detected
- mean_dx: difference of X positions to physical model, product keyword QC.MODEL.DIFFXAVG
Description: The physical model used in Formatcheck step allows
to measure the difference between model predicted
and detected line positions. This is useful to verify
precision of physical model prediction and instrument
spectral format stability.
- sigma_dx: rms of difference of X positions to physical model, product keyword QC.MODEL.DIFFXRMS
Description: The physical model used in Formatcheck step allows
to measure the difference between model predicted
and detected line positions. This is useful to verify
precision of physical model prediction and instrument
spectral format stability.
- mean_dy: difference of Y positions to physical model, product keyword QC.MODEL.DIFFYAVG
Description: The physical model used in Formatcheck step allows
to measure the difference between model predicted
and detected line positions. This is useful to verify
precision of physical model prediction and instrument
spectral format stability.
- sigma_dy: rms of difference of Y positions to physical model, product keyword QC.MODEL.DIFFYRMS
Description: The physical model used in Formatcheck step allows
to measure the difference between model predicted
and detected line positions. This is useful to verify
precision of physical model prediction and instrument
spectral format stability.
- median_shftx: median of difference in X to reference frame, product keyword QC.SHFTXMED
Description: mmeasured median shift in x from stability check
- median_shfty: median of difference in Y to reference frame, product keyword QC.SHFTYMED
Description: measured median shift in y from stability check
- nlin_all: total number of lines found, product keyword QC.MODEL.NLINALL
Description: The physical model used in the Formatcheck step allows
to predict line positions on the formatcheck frame.
This is the total number of predicted matching lines.
- nlin_sel: number of lines selected, product keyword QC.MODEL.NLINSEL
Description: The physical model used in the Formatcheck step allows
to predict line positions on the formatcheck frame.
The selected number of lines is the subset of the total
number of lines which fall in the physical model plot
- ins_temp4_mean: average temperature inside air [C], this QC parameter is taken directly from the header of the first RAW file, it propagates to the PRODUCT file(s) unchanged by the pipeline, product keyword INS.TEMPi.MEAN.
Description: Propagated directly from RAW frame
- ins_temp1_mean: average temperature of camera [C], this QC parameter is taken directly from the header of the first RAW file, it propagates to the PRODUCT file(s) unchanged by the pipeline, product keyword INS.TEMPi.MEAN.
Description: Propagated directly from RAW frame
- ins_press_mean: barometer pressure, this QC parameter is taken directly from the header of the first RAW file, it propagates to the PRODUCT file(s) unchanged by the pipeline, product keyword INS.SENS26.MEAN.
Description: Propagated directly from RAW frame
Reasons for rejection:
- No light or low light level (meaning too few lines can be found)
- Severe Saturation, there will often be some saturation in some lines which is fine, but if most lines were saturated such that too few non saturated lines could be found (never actually seen in 'recorded history' of normal operatiuons)
- Failure to find expected orders
- Deviation from physical model by significantly more than +/-10 pixels (though this has not been seen in 'recorded history' of normal operations)
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[2015-10-30T08:21:19] created by qcDocu v1.1.2, a tqs tool