Extracted Observing Reports for 168.A-0322(B): OB information

Telescope: Melipal (UT3)
Instrument: VIMOS

This is a summary of OB information extracted for all those nights which got observations for your run and which are contained in this data delivery.

This information has been extracted from a database which contains information ingested during the nights. The database is also maintained to reflect e.g. a posteriori updates of the OB grading.

This report is structured into two parts:
- breakdown by OBs (this page)
- breakdown by nights.

This page lists all the OBs and their related entries in the Paranal night logs. For each OB, the user-defined name, the target, the execution date(s) and time(s), the grade, and comments are listed.

Grade is set by the on-site observer, based on the user requested observing conditions (the OB Constraint Set) vs. the actual observing conditions. Its possible values are listed below.

Whenever possible, OBs with execution status "C" are repeated. Thus, some of your OBs may have been executed multiple times. Common reasons for NOT re-executing out-of-specification OBs are:

- lower priority run, no time left in semester
- target has set
- date constraint cannot be satisfied
- pre-imaging OB, data OK for MOS preparation.

Each OB entry has a link to a detailed plot of the ambient conditions. There is also the QC0 report listing ambient conditions file by file.

If you have questions about the execution status of your OBs, please contact the ESO User Support Group (usg-help@eso.org).

Note: There is a small chance of mismatches between delivered OBs/files and nightlog entries. The most likely cause are missing entries due to operational problems during the night.

OB section colour code: A)Fully within specifications B)Mostly within specifications C)Out of specs - Repeat X)Uncertain/Not Applicable

2a | OB summary
OB_ID Name Target Date UT
Grade Comments
141084 VIMOS_Field_E_Iz Field E 2003-04-03 00:11 00:24 A NONE
135701 VIMOS_Field_9A_I VIMOS_Field_9A_I 2003-07-07 08:19 08:34 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU
135704 VIMOS_Field_8A_I VIMOS_Field_8A_I 2003-07-07 08:02 08:18 A first 200 y pixels in Q1 vignetted by IFU
135710 VIMOS_Field_6A_I VIMOS_Field_6A_I 2003-07-07 07:44 08:01 A first 200 y pixels vignetted by ifu
135713 VIMOS_Field_5A_I VIMOS_Field_5A_I 2003-07-07 07:29 07:44 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by the IFU
135716 VIMOS_Field_4A_I VIMOS_Field_4A_I 2003-07-07 07:13 07:28 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU
135728 VIMOS_Field_3A_I VIMOS_Field_3A_I 2003-07-07 06:55 07:12 A first 200 y pixels vignetted by IFU mask PPRS 10184
135749 VIMOS_Field_33A_I VIMOS_Field_33A_I 2003-07-07 09:43 09:59 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU
135761 VIMOS_Field_2A_I VIMOS_Field_2A_I 2003-07-07 06:38 06:54 A first 200 y pixels in Q 1 vignetted by IFU mask PPRS 10184
135794 VIMOS_Field_1A_I VIMOS_Field_1A_I 2003-07-07 06:20 06:37 A First 200 y pixels in Q 1 vignetted by IFU mask see PPRS 10184. IQ < 1"
135815 VIMOS_Field_13A_I VIMOS_Field_13A_I 2003-07-07 09:26 09:42 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU
135818 VIMOS_Field_12A_I VIMOS_Field_12A_I 2003-07-07 09:08 09:24 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU
135821 VIMOS_Field_11A_I VIMOS_Field_11A_I 2003-07-07 08:51 09:07 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU
135824 VIMOS_Field_10A_I VIMOS_Field_10A_I 2003-07-07 08:35 08:50 A first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU
138821 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_1 TPhe 2003-07-07 10:00 10:07 B first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU. With the offsetts applied by the user the GP is vignetting. We tried to take the same field with ours calibration OB but a technical failure stop us.
135700 VIMOS_Field_9B_I VIMOS_Field_9B_I 2003-07-08 08:14 08:29 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135703 VIMOS_Field_8B_I VIMOS_Field_8B_I 2003-07-08 07:58 08:13 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135709 VIMOS_Field_6B_I VIMOS_Field_6B_I 2003-07-08 07:41 07:57 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135712 VIMOS_Field_5B_I VIMOS_Field_5B_I 2003-07-08 07:24 07:40 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135715 VIMOS_Field_4B_I VIMOS_Field_4B_I 2003-07-08 07:07 07:23 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135727 VIMOS_Field_3B_I VIMOS_Field_3B_I 2003-07-08 06:49 07:05 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.7" . We used a GS different from the one defined by the user too faint.
135760 VIMOS_Field_2B_I VIMOS_Field_2B_I 2003-07-08 06:32 06:48 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8" Moon constraint slightly violated but the moon was really low on the horizon.
135790 VIMOS_Field_20B_I VIMOS_Field_20B_I 2003-07-08 09:57 10:13 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8" Some clouds passing.
135793 VIMOS_Field_1B_I VIMOS_Field_1B_I 2003-07-08 06:17 06:29 C The Focus unit 3 is out of order then only 3 out of four I filter are inserted Q1 2 4 in Q3 the filter is R. Following the rules the instrument have to be considered fully operational with 3 channel out of four operating. I classify in any case B because the channel 1 is slightly more vignetted by the IFU (200 pxs in y direction) Moon constraint slightly violated but the moon was really low on the horizon.
135796 VIMOS_Field_19B_I VIMOS_Field_19B_I 2003-07-08 09:39 09:55 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135814 VIMOS_Field_13B_I VIMOS_Field_13B_I 2003-07-08 09:23 09:38 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135817 VIMOS_Field_12B_I VIMOS_Field_12B_I 2003-07-08 09:07 09:22 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135820 VIMOS_Field_11B_I VIMOS_Field_11B_I 2003-07-08 08:50 09:06 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135823 VIMOS_Field_10B_I VIMOS_Field_10B_I 2003-07-08 08:30 08:49 C 3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"
135739 VIMOS_Field_36B_I VIMOS_Field_36B_I 2003-07-09 09:42 09:57 C NONE
135745 VIMOS_Field_34B_I VIMOS_Field_34B_I 2003-07-09 09:24 09:40 C NONE
135748 VIMOS_Field_33B_I VIMOS_Field_33B_I 2003-07-09 09:08 09:23 C NONE
135769 VIMOS_Field_27B_I VIMOS_Field_27B_I 2003-07-09 08:50 09:07 C NONE
135772 VIMOS_Field_26B_I VIMOS_Field_26B_I 2003-07-09 08:33 08:49 C few clouds passing trough
135790 VIMOS_Field_20B_I VIMOS_Field_20B_I 2003-07-09 08:20 08:32 C thin clouds passing through.
135699 VIMOS_Field_9C_I VIMOS_Field_9C_I 2003-07-26 06:08 06:23 A NONE
135702 VIMOS_Field_8C_I VIMOS_Field_8C_I 2003-07-26 05:00 05:17 B IQ 1.0-1.1"
135714 VIMOS_Field_4C_I VIMOS_Field_4C_I 2003-07-26 06:25 06:41 A IQ = 0.9-1.1"
135726 VIMOS_Field_3C_I VIMOS_Field_3C_I 2003-07-26 05:52 06:07 B Images look extended in some quadrants... general IQ around 1.2"
135759 VIMOS_Field_2C_I VIMOS_Field_2C_I 2003-07-26 05:35 05:51 A NONE
135792 VIMOS_Field_1C_I VIMOS_Field_1C_I 2003-07-26 05:18 05:34 A IQ 1.1-1.2"
135819 VIMOS_Field_11C_I VIMOS_Field_11C_I 2003-07-26 06:58 07:14 B Some thin cirrus coming in from north. Sky towards target still looks OK.
135822 VIMOS_Field_10C_I VIMOS_Field_10C_I 2003-07-26 06:42 06:57 A NONE
135708 VIMOS_Field_6C_I VIMOS_Field_6C_I 2003-07-30 09:04 09:26 B seeing between 1.3 and 1 on the images
135740 VIMOS_Field_36A_I VIMOS_Field_36A_I 2003-07-31 09:45 10:13 A NONE
135739 VIMOS_Field_36B_I VIMOS_Field_36B_I 2003-08-02 08:44 09:09 C seeing was out of constraints and getting worst when we aborted the template
135739 VIMOS_Field_36B_I VIMOS_Field_36B_I 2003-08-02 09:28 09:43 A Image quality between 1.2 and 1.0
135764 VIMOS_Field_29A_Iz VIMOS_Field_29A_Iz 2003-08-02 07:55 08:39 A Image quality 1.2 on all the images Last one at 1.3
135703 VIMOS_Field_8B_I VIMOS_Field_8B_I 2003-11-15 05:35 05:51 C Outside airmass constraints...
135711 VIMOS_Field_5C_I VIMOS_Field_5C_I 2003-11-15 04:39 04:48 C The guide probe was not in the alternate position. But the images are still useful!
135711 VIMOS_Field_5C_I VIMOS_Field_5C_I 2003-11-15 04:50 05:02 A NONE
135720 VIMOS_Field_41C_I VIMOS_Field_41C_I 2003-11-15 02:58 03:14 B Thin clouds at low altitude
135723 VIMOS_Field_40C_I VIMOS_Field_40C_I 2003-11-15 05:19 05:34 B NONE
135724 VIMOS_Field_40B_I VIMOS_Field_40B_I 2003-11-15 05:03 05:18 A NONE
135729 VIMOS_Field_39C_I VIMOS_Field_39C_I 2003-11-15 01:52 02:09 C Thin to thick cirrus
135730 VIMOS_Field_39B_I VIMOS_Field_39B_I 2003-11-15 01:36 01:51 C Thin to thick clouds
135732 VIMOS_Field_38C_I VIMOS_Field_38C_I 2003-11-15 01:19 01:35 C Thin to thick cirrus
135733 VIMOS_Field_38B_I VIMOS_Field_38B_I 2003-11-15 01:03 01:18 C Thin to thick cirrus
135735 VIMOS_Field_37C_I VIMOS_Field_37C_I 2003-11-15 00:45 01:01 C Thin to thick cirrus, but very good IQ (<0.7")
135738 VIMOS_Field_36C_I VIMOS_Field_36C_I 2003-11-15 00:27 00:43 C Thin to thick clouds. IQ better than 0.7"
135744 VIMOS_Field_34C_I VIMOS_Field_34C_I 2003-11-15 03:16 03:33 B Some clouds below 20 DEG. User finding chart has in fact N to left, E to the bottom
135747 VIMOS_Field_33C_I VIMOS_Field_33C_I 2003-11-15 04:07 04:22 A NONE
135768 VIMOS_Field_27C_I VIMOS_Field_27C_I 2003-11-15 03:34 03:50 B Clouds below 20 deg
135771 VIMOS_Field_26C_I VIMOS_Field_26C_I 2003-11-15 02:41 02:57 B Thin cirrus at low altitude
135789 VIMOS_Field_20C_I VIMOS_Field_20C_I 2003-11-15 03:51 04:06 A NONE
135795 VIMOS_Field_19C_I VIMOS_Field_19C_I 2003-11-15 02:26 02:40 B Thin to thick cirrus
135813 VIMOS_Field_13C_I VIMOS_Field_13C_I 2003-11-15 02:10 02:25 B Sky trasnparency has improved. Cirrus are low in the horizon
135816 VIMOS_Field_12C_I VIMOS_Field_12C_I 2003-11-15 04:23 04:38 A NONE
138815 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2 TPhe 2003-11-15 05:52 05:57 C Guide probe strongly vignetting the field
138815 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2 TPhe 2003-11-15 05:59 06:09 C The user did not request to execute this OB during the nights when B and C fields are observed, but we nevertheless execute it and classify C. There is one star in the field that saturates.
141083 VIMOS_Field_D_Iz Field D 2003-11-15 06:14 06:22 C Only I filter was used!
135700 VIMOS_Field_9B_I VIMOS_Field_9B_I 2003-11-16 05:22 05:37 B We are slightly outside airmass constraints
135727 VIMOS_Field_3B_I VIMOS_Field_3B_I 2003-11-16 04:06 04:23 A NONE
135760 VIMOS_Field_2B_I VIMOS_Field_2B_I 2003-11-16 05:38 05:53 C Airmass constraint violated
135823 VIMOS_Field_10B_I VIMOS_Field_10B_I 2003-11-16 03:49 04:06 A NONE
135703 VIMOS_Field_8B_I VIMOS_Field_8B_I 2003-11-17 00:57 01:12 B NONE
135709 VIMOS_Field_6B_I VIMOS_Field_6B_I 2003-11-17 01:47 02:01 B NONE
135712 VIMOS_Field_5B_I VIMOS_Field_5B_I 2003-11-17 04:35 04:50 B NONE
135715 VIMOS_Field_4B_I VIMOS_Field_4B_I 2003-11-17 02:19 02:36 B NONE
135721 VIMOS_Field_41B_I VIMOS_Field_41B_I 2003-11-17 00:20 00:41 B Some thin cirrus on sky... but we do not have much more choice!
135730 VIMOS_Field_39B_I VIMOS_Field_39B_I 2003-11-17 05:27 05:44 C NONE
135735 VIMOS_Field_37C_I VIMOS_Field_37C_I 2003-11-17 03:09 03:24 B NONE
135736 VIMOS_Field_37B_I VIMOS_Field_37B_I 2003-11-17 00:41 00:56 B NONE
135738 VIMOS_Field_36C_I VIMOS_Field_36C_I 2003-11-17 02:53 03:09 B NONE
135745 VIMOS_Field_34B_I VIMOS_Field_34B_I 2003-11-17 03:25 03:41 B NONE
135748 VIMOS_Field_33B_I VIMOS_Field_33B_I 2003-11-17 03:44 03:53 B NONE
135769 VIMOS_Field_27B_I VIMOS_Field_27B_I 2003-11-17 04:51 05:07 B NONE
135772 VIMOS_Field_26B_I VIMOS_Field_26B_I 2003-11-17 02:02 02:18 B NONE
135790 VIMOS_Field_20B_I VIMOS_Field_20B_I 2003-11-17 05:08 05:26 B NONE
135793 VIMOS_Field_1B_I VIMOS_Field_1B_I 2003-11-17 01:13 01:29 B NONE
135796 VIMOS_Field_19B_I VIMOS_Field_19B_I 2003-11-17 04:18 04:34 B NONE
135814 VIMOS_Field_13B_I VIMOS_Field_13B_I 2003-11-17 01:30 01:46 B NONE
135817 VIMOS_Field_12B_I VIMOS_Field_12B_I 2003-11-17 03:57 04:16 B NONE
135820 VIMOS_Field_11B_I VIMOS_Field_11B_I 2003-11-17 02:36 02:52 B NONE
138815 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2 TPhe 2003-11-17 06:11 06:21 C Guide probe vignetting
138815 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2 TPhe 2003-11-17 06:27 06:33 C NONE
135722 VIMOS_Field_41A_I VIMOS_Field_41A_I 2003-11-18 04:32 04:49 B NONE
135725 VIMOS_Field_40A_I VIMOS_Field_40A_I 2003-11-18 02:53 03:37 C Problems with active optics, OB aborted
135725 VIMOS_Field_40A_I VIMOS_Field_40A_I 2003-11-18 03:43 03:56 B NONE
135729 VIMOS_Field_39C_I VIMOS_Field_39C_I 2003-11-18 00:15 00:33 B CLEAR toward the direction we are observing
135731 VIMOS_Field_39A_I VIMOS_Field_39A_I 2003-11-18 02:13 02:31 B NONE
135732 VIMOS_Field_38C_I VIMOS_Field_38C_I 2003-11-18 00:51 01:06 B NONE
135733 VIMOS_Field_38B_I VIMOS_Field_38B_I 2003-11-18 00:34 00:50 B NONE
135734 VIMOS_Field_38A_I VIMOS_Field_38A_I 2003-11-18 01:27 01:44 B NONE
135737 VIMOS_Field_37A_I VIMOS_Field_37A_I 2003-11-18 01:08 01:23 B NONE
135746 VIMOS_Field_34A_I VIMOS_Field_34A_I 2003-11-18 04:50 05:06 C NONE
135770 VIMOS_Field_27A_I VIMOS_Field_27A_I 2003-11-18 05:09 05:24 C NONE
135773 VIMOS_Field_26A_I VIMOS_Field_26A_I 2003-11-18 03:58 04:15 B NONE
135791 VIMOS_Field_20A_I VIMOS_Field_20A_I 2003-11-18 05:25 05:40 C NONE
135797 VIMOS_Field_19A_I VIMOS_Field_19A_I 2003-11-18 04:16 04:31 B NONE
138813 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_4 TPhe 2003-11-18 01:45 01:52 C Guide probe vignetting
138813 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_4 TPhe 2003-11-18 02:05 02:12 B Execution painfull because of the large user defined offsets! Plus problems with active optics
144508 VIMOS_Field_E_Iz Field E 2003-11-18 06:13 06:22 C Observations were performed only with I filter
135730 VIMOS_Field_39B_I VIMOS_Field_39B_I 2003-11-20 03:55 04:11 A NONE
135746 VIMOS_Field_34A_I VIMOS_Field_34A_I 2003-11-20 04:45 05:02 A NONE
135760 VIMOS_Field_2B_I VIMOS_Field_2B_I 2003-11-20 03:37 03:55 A NONE
135770 VIMOS_Field_27A_I VIMOS_Field_27A_I 2003-11-20 04:29 04:44 A NONE
135791 VIMOS_Field_20A_I VIMOS_Field_20A_I 2003-11-20 04:12 04:29 A NONE
135750 VIMOS_Field_32C_Iz VIMOS_Field_32C_Iz 2003-11-27 04:18 04:45 C Only the z filter was done for this OB
135774 VIMOS_Field_25C_Iz VIMOS_Field_25C_Iz 2003-11-27 03:39 04:06 C only filter z was done in this OB
135798 VIMOS_Field_18C_Iz VIMOS_Field_18C_Iz 2003-11-27 03:11 03:38 C Only the z filter was done
135785 VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz 2003-12-14 02:01 02:44 A Variable image quality over the four quadrants.
135809 VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz 2003-12-14 02:45 03:27 A NONE
144508 VIMOS_Field_E_Iz Field E 2003-12-14 04:33 04:46 B Given the short exposure times (1 second), I ignored the lunar constraint.
135755 VIMOS_Field_31A_Iz VIMOS_Field_31A_Iz 2003-12-15 02:48 03:29 B AM slightly exceeded at end of exposures
135758 VIMOS_Field_30A_Iz VIMOS_Field_30A_Iz 2003-12-15 00:36 01:17 A NONE
135782 VIMOS_Field_23A_Iz VIMOS_Field_23A_Iz 2003-12-15 01:18 02:02 A NONE
135806 VIMOS_Field_16A_Iz VIMOS_Field_16A_Iz 2003-12-15 02:03 02:47 A NONE
138820 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_Iz_1 TPhe 2003-12-15 00:22 00:35 B guide probe vignetting due to large offsets used, but standards visible in FOV
138820 ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_Iz_1 TPhe 2003-12-15 03:30 03:36 B re-run in order to test solution to vignetting problem
135785 VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz 2003-12-16 00:56 01:40 A Repeated first exposure, lost guide star briefly.
135803 VIMOS_Field_17A_Iz VIMOS_Field_17A_Iz 2003-12-16 02:23 03:04 A NONE
135809 VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz 2003-12-16 01:41 02:22 A NONE
135752 VIMOS_Field_32A_Iz VIMOS_Field_32A_Iz 2003-12-17 01:31 02:12 A NONE
135776 VIMOS_Field_25A_Iz VIMOS_Field_25A_Iz 2003-12-17 02:13 03:02 A FIERA problem on z-band exposure 4/4, re-done after re-initialisation
135779 VIMOS_Field_24A_Iz VIMOS_Field_24A_Iz 2003-12-17 00:49 01:30 A NONE
135763 VIMOS_Field_29B_Iz VIMOS_Field_29B_Iz 2003-12-18 01:58 02:47 A changed guide star (too faint). New co-ords 00:32:20.182, -43:01:42.2
135784 VIMOS_Field_22B_Iz VIMOS_Field_22B_Iz 2003-12-18 02:48 03:29 B NONE
135757 VIMOS_Field_30B_Iz VIMOS_Field_30B_Iz 2003-12-20 01:35 02:16 A NONE
135808 VIMOS_Field_15B_Iz VIMOS_Field_15B_Iz 2003-12-20 00:53 01:35 A NONE
135781 VIMOS_Field_23B_Iz VIMOS_Field_23B_Iz 2003-12-21 00:41 01:06 C OB aborted, transparency constraint not met

2b | OB details
OB ID: 141084 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_E_Iz
Date: 2003-04-03 UT: 00:11 ... 00:24

*** Target: Field E
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135701 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_9A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 08:19 ... 08:34

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_9A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.15 - end: 1.13

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135704 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_8A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 08:02 ... 08:18

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_8A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels in Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.18 - end: 1.16

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135710 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_6A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 07:44 ... 08:01

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_6A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels vignetted by ifu

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.24 - end: 1.21

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135713 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_5A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 07:29 ... 07:44

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_5A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by the IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.28 - end: 1.25

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135716 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_4A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 07:13 ... 07:28

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_4A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.33 - end: 1.29

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135728 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_3A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 06:55 ... 07:12

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_3A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels vignetted by IFU mask PPRS 10184

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.39 - end: 1.34

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135749 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_33A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 09:43 ... 09:59

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_33A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135761 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_2A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 06:38 ... 06:54

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_2A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels in Q 1 vignetted by IFU mask PPRS 10184

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.46 - end: 1.40

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135794 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_1A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 06:20 ... 06:37

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_1A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
First 200 y pixels in Q 1 vignetted by IFU mask see PPRS 10184. IQ < 1"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.54 - end: 1.47

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135815 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_13A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 09:26 ... 09:42

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_13A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135818 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_12A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 09:08 ... 09:24

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_12A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.09 - end: 1.08

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135821 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_11A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 08:51 ... 09:07

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_11A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.11 - end: 1.09

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135824 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_10A_I
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 08:35 ... 08:50

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_10A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.13 - end: 1.11

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138821 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_1
Date: 2003-07-07 UT: 10:00 ... 10:07

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
first 200 y pixels Q1 vignetted by IFU. With the offsetts applied by the user the GP is vignetting. We tried to take the same field with ours
calibration OB but a technical failure stop us.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.08

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135700 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_9B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 08:14 ... 08:29

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_9B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.15 - end: 1.13

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135703 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_8B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 07:58 ... 08:13

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_8B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.18 - end: 1.16

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135709 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_6B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 07:41 ... 07:57

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_6B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.24 - end: 1.21

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135712 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_5B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 07:24 ... 07:40

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_5B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.28 - end: 1.25

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135715 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_4B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 07:07 ... 07:23

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_4B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.33 - end: 1.29

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135727 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_3B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 06:49 ... 07:05

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_3B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.7" .
We used a GS different from the one defined by the user too faint.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.40 - end: 1.35

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135760 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_2B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 06:32 ... 06:48

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_2B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8" Moon constraint slightly violated but the moon was really low on the horizon.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Almost
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.47 - end: 1.41
moon begin: FLI: 0.72 dist: 113.1 deg alt: 3.6 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.72 dist: 113.0 deg alt: 1.5 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135790 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_20B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 09:57 ... 10:13

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_20B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8" Some clouds passing.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135793 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_1B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 06:17 ... 06:29

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_1B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
The Focus unit 3 is out of order then only 3 out of four I filter are inserted Q1 2 4 in Q3 the filter is R. Following the rules the instrument
have to be considered fully operational with 3 channel out of four
operating. I classify in any case B because the channel 1
is slightly more vignetted by the IFU (200 pxs in y direction)
Moon constraint slightly violated but the moon was really low on the horizon.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Almost
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.56 - end: 1.49
moon begin: FLI: 0.72 dist: 113.1 deg alt: 7.5 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.72 dist: 113.0 deg alt: 5.4 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135796 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_19B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 09:39 ... 09:55

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_19B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135814 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_13B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 09:23 ... 09:38

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_13B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135817 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_12B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 09:07 ... 09:22

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_12B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.09 - end: 1.08

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135820 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_11B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 08:50 ... 09:06

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_11B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.10 - end: 1.09

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135823 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_10B_I
Date: 2003-07-08 UT: 08:30 ... 08:49

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_10B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
3 quadrant out of 4 fully operational. Wrong filter (R) in Q 3. IQ much better than requested < 0.8"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.12 - end: 1.11

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135739 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_36B_I
Date: 2003-07-09 UT: 09:42 ... 09:57

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_36B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.05 - end: 1.05

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135745 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_34B_I
Date: 2003-07-09 UT: 09:24 ... 09:40

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_34B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135748 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_33B_I
Date: 2003-07-09 UT: 09:08 ... 09:23

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_33B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135769 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_27B_I
Date: 2003-07-09 UT: 08:50 ... 09:07

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_27B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.10 - end: 1.08

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135772 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_26B_I
Date: 2003-07-09 UT: 08:33 ... 08:49

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_26B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
few clouds passing trough

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.12 - end: 1.10

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135790 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_20B_I
Date: 2003-07-09 UT: 08:20 ... 08:32

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_20B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
thin clouds passing through.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.15 - end: 1.13

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135699 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_9C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 06:08 ... 06:23

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_9C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.29 - end: 1.25

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135702 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_8C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 05:00 ... 05:17

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_8C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ 1.0-1.1"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Almost
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.57 - end: 1.50

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135714 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_4C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 06:25 ... 06:41

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_4C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ = 0.9-1.1"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.25 - end: 1.21

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135726 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_3C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 05:52 ... 06:07

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_3C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Images look extended in some quadrants... general IQ around 1.2"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Almost DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.35 - end: 1.30

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135759 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_2C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 05:35 ... 05:51

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_2C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.41 - end: 1.36

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135792 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_1C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 05:18 ... 05:34

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_1C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ 1.1-1.2"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.48 - end: 1.42

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135819 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_11C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 06:58 ... 07:14

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_11C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Some thin cirrus coming in from north. Sky towards target still looks OK.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.17 - end: 1.14

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135822 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_10C_I
Date: 2003-07-26 UT: 06:42 ... 06:57

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_10C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.20 - end: 1.17

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135708 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_6C_I
Date: 2003-07-30 UT: 09:04 ... 09:26

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_6C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
seeing between 1.3 and 1 on the images

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Almost DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135740 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_36A_I
Date: 2003-07-31 UT: 09:45 ... 10:13

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_36A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.10 - end: 1.12

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135739 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_36B_I
Date: 2003-08-02 UT: 08:44 ... 09:09

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_36B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
seeing was out of constraints and getting worst when we aborted the template

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 No DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.05 - end: 1.00

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135739 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_36B_I
Date: 2003-08-02 UT: 09:28 ... 09:43

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_36B_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
Image quality between 1.2 and 1.0

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.09

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135764 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_29A_Iz
Date: 2003-08-02 UT: 07:55 ... 08:39

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_29A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
Image quality 1.2 on all the images Last one at 1.3

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135703 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_8B_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 05:35 ... 05:51

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_8B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Outside airmass constraints...

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 No
FLI: 0.40 Almost
Moon distance: 120 Almost
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.64 - end: 1.73
moon begin: FLI: 0.55 dist: 133.3 deg alt: 8.8 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.55 dist: 133.3 deg alt: 10.7 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135711 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_5C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 04:39 ... 04:48

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_5C_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
The guide probe was not in the alternate position. But the images are still useful!

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.33 - end: 1.36

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135711 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_5C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 04:50 ... 05:02

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_5C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.36 - end: 1.39
airmass: begin: 1.39 - end: 1.42
moon begin: FLI: 0.55 dist: 132.0 deg alt: 0.6 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.55 dist: 132.0 deg alt: 1.3 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135720 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_41C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 02:58 ... 03:14

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_41C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Thin clouds at low altitude

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.10 - end: 1.11

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135723 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_40C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 05:19 ... 05:34

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_40C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Almost
FLI: 0.40 Almost
Moon distance: 120 Almost
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.51 - end: 1.58
moon begin: FLI: 0.55 dist: 132.3 deg alt: 5.6 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.55 dist: 132.4 deg alt: 7.5 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135724 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_40B_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 05:03 ... 05:18

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_40B_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.43 - end: 1.49
moon begin: FLI: 0.55 dist: 132.3 deg alt: 2.5 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.55 dist: 132.3 deg alt: 4.4 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135729 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_39C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 01:52 ... 02:09

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_39C_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Thin to thick cirrus

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.05 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135730 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_39B_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 01:36 ... 01:51

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_39B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Thin to thick clouds

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.05 - end: 1.05

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135732 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_38C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 01:19 ... 01:35

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_38C_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Thin to thick cirrus

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.05 - end: 1.05

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135733 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_38B_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 01:03 ... 01:18

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_38B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Thin to thick cirrus

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 N/A
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135735 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_37C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 00:45 ... 01:01

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_37C_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Thin to thick cirrus, but very good IQ (<0.7")

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135738 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_36C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 00:27 ... 00:43

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_36C_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Thin to thick clouds. IQ better than 0.7"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135744 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_34C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 03:16 ... 03:33

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_34C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Some clouds below 20 DEG. User finding chart has in fact N to left, E to the bottom

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.12 - end: 1.15

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135747 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_33C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 04:07 ... 04:22

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_33C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.23 - end: 1.26

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135768 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_27C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 03:34 ... 03:50

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_27C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Clouds below 20 deg

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.16 - end: 1.18

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135771 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_26C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 02:41 ... 02:57

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_26C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Thin cirrus at low altitude

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.10

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135789 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_20C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 03:51 ... 04:06

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_20C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.19 - end: 1.22

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135795 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_19C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 02:26 ... 02:40

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_19C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Thin to thick cirrus

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.08

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135813 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_13C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 02:10 ... 02:25

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_13C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Sky trasnparency has improved. Cirrus are low in the horizon

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135816 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_12C_I
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 04:23 ... 04:38

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_12C_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.28 - end: 1.32

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138815 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 05:52 ... 05:57

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Guide probe strongly vignetting the field

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 N/A
FLI: 0.40 N/A
Moon distance: 120 N/A
Sky transparency: 1PHO N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.80 - end: 1.81
moon begin: FLI: 0.55 dist: 133.4 deg alt: 12.4 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.55 dist: 133.4 deg alt: 12.4 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138815 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 05:59 ... 06:09

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
The user did not request to execute this OB during the nights when B and C fields are observed, but we nevertheless execute it and classify C. There is one star in the field that saturates.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 N/A
FLI: 0.40 N/A
Moon distance: 120 N/A
Sky transparency: 1PHO N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.86 - end: 1.90
moon begin: FLI: 0.55 dist: 133.4 deg alt: 13.6 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.55 dist: 133.3 deg alt: 14.5 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 141083 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_D_Iz
Date: 2003-11-15 UT: 06:14 ... 06:22

*** Target: Field D
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Only I filter was used!

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Almost DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 No
FLI: 0.40 No
Moon distance: 120 No
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135700 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_9B_I
Date: 2003-11-16 UT: 05:22 ... 05:37

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_9B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
We are slightly outside airmass constraints

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Almost
FLI: 0.40 Almost
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.57 - end: 1.63
airmass: begin: 1.63 - end: 1.65
moon begin: FLI: 0.44 dist: 139.0 deg alt: 0.1 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.44 dist: 139.0 deg alt: 0.1 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135727 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_3B_I
Date: 2003-11-16 UT: 04:06 ... 04:23

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_3B_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.26 - end: 1.29

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135760 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_2B_I
Date: 2003-11-16 UT: 05:38 ... 05:53

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_2B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Airmass constraint violated

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 No
FLI: 0.40 Almost
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.67 - end: 1.76
moon begin: FLI: 0.44 dist: 138.9 deg alt: 1.3 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.44 dist: 138.9 deg alt: 3.4 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135823 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_10B_I
Date: 2003-11-16 UT: 03:49 ... 04:06

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_10B_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.21 - end: 1.24

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135703 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_8B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 00:57 ... 01:12

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_8B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135709 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_6B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 01:47 ... 02:01

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_6B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135712 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_5B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 04:35 ... 04:50

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_5B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.35 - end: 1.40

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135715 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_4B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 02:19 ... 02:36

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_4B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.09

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135721 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_41B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 00:20 ... 00:41

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_41B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Some thin cirrus on sky... but we do not have much more choice!

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135730 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_39B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 05:27 ... 05:44

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_39B_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 No
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.62 - end: 1.71

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135735 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_37C_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 03:09 ... 03:24

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_37C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.13 - end: 1.15

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135736 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_37B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 00:41 ... 00:56

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_37B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135738 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_36C_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 02:53 ... 03:09

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_36C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.11 - end: 1.13

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135745 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_34B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 03:25 ... 03:41

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_34B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.15 - end: 1.18

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135748 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_33B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 03:44 ... 03:53

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_33B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.19 - end: 1.21

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135769 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_27B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 04:51 ... 05:07

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_27B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.41 - end: 1.47

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135772 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_26B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 02:02 ... 02:18

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_26B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135790 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_20B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 05:08 ... 05:26

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_20B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.50 - end: 1.57

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135793 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_1B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 01:13 ... 01:29

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_1B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135796 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_19B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 04:18 ... 04:34

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_19B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.29 - end: 1.33

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135814 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_13B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 01:30 ... 01:46

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_13B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135817 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_12B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 03:57 ... 04:16

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_12B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.24 - end: 1.27

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135820 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_11B_I
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 02:36 ... 02:52

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_11B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.09 - end: 1.11

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138815 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 06:11 ... 06:21

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Guide probe vignetting

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 No
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 2.06 - end: 2.10
moon begin: FLI: 0.34 dist: 141.0 deg alt: 1.3 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.33 dist: 140.9 deg alt: 2.1 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138815 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_2
Date: 2003-11-17 UT: 06:27 ... 06:33

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 No
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 2.21 - end: 2.26
moon begin: FLI: 0.33 dist: 141.0 deg alt: 3.9 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.33 dist: 140.9 deg alt: 4.8 deg

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135722 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_41A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 04:32 ... 04:49

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_41A_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.35 - end: 1.40

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135725 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_40A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 02:53 ... 03:37

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_40A_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Problems with active optics, OB aborted

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 N/A
FLI: 0.40 N/A
Moon distance: 120 N/A
Sky transparency: 2CLR N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.17 - end: 1.18

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135725 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_40A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 03:43 ... 03:56

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_40A_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.19 - end: 1.22

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135729 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_39C_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 00:15 ... 00:33

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_39C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
CLEAR toward the direction we are observing

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.07

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135731 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_39A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 02:13 ... 02:31

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_39A_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 N/A
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.08

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135732 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_38C_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 00:51 ... 01:06

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_38C_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.06 - end: 1.05

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135733 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_38B_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 00:34 ... 00:50

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_38B_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.07 - end: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135734 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_38A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 01:27 ... 01:44

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_38A_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.05 - end: 1.05

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135737 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_37A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 01:08 ... 01:23

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_37A_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.05 - end: 1.05

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135746 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_34A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 04:50 ... 05:06

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_34A_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.42 - end: 1.48

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135770 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_27A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 05:09 ... 05:24

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_27A_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Almost
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.51 - end: 1.58

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135773 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_26A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 03:58 ... 04:15

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_26A_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.24 - end: 1.28

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135791 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_20A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 05:25 ... 05:40

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_20A_I
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 No
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.60 - end: 1.69

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135797 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_19A_I
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 04:16 ... 04:31

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_19A_I
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.29 - end: 1.34

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138813 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_4
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 01:45 ... 01:52

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Guide probe vignetting

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 N/A
FLI: 0.40 N/A
Moon distance: 120 N/A
Sky transparency: 1PHO N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.08

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138813 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_I_4
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 02:05 ... 02:12

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Execution painfull because of the large user defined offsets! Plus problems with active optics

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.09 - end: 1.10

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 144508 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_E_Iz
Date: 2003-11-18 UT: 06:13 ... 06:22

*** Target: Field E
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Observations were performed only with I filter

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135730 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_39B_I
Date: 2003-11-20 UT: 03:55 ... 04:11

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_39B_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.25 - end: 1.29

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135746 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_34A_I
Date: 2003-11-20 UT: 04:45 ... 05:02

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_34A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.44 - end: 1.50

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135760 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_2B_I
Date: 2003-11-20 UT: 03:37 ... 03:55

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_2B_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.23 - end: 1.26

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135770 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_27A_I
Date: 2003-11-20 UT: 04:29 ... 04:44

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_27A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.36 - end: 1.42

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135791 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_20A_I
Date: 2003-11-20 UT: 04:12 ... 04:29

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_20A_I
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.31 - end: 1.35

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135750 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_32C_Iz
Date: 2003-11-27 UT: 04:18 ... 04:45

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_32C_Iz
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Only the z filter was done for this OB

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Almost
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.45 - end: 1.57

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135774 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_25C_Iz
Date: 2003-11-27 UT: 03:39 ... 04:06

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_25C_Iz
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
only filter z was done in this OB

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.30 - end: 1.38

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135798 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_18C_Iz
Date: 2003-11-27 UT: 03:11 ... 03:38

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_18C_Iz
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Only the z filter was done

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.22 - end: 1.25
moon begin: FLI: 0.18 dist: 55.0 deg alt: 1.8 deg
moon end: FLI: 0.19 dist: 55.0 deg alt: 0.7 deg
airmass: begin: 1.25 - end: 1.28

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135785 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-14 UT: 02:01 ... 02:44

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
Variable image quality over the four quadrants.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.22 - end: 1.34

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135809 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-14 UT: 02:45 ... 03:27

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.36 - end: 1.54

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 144508 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_E_Iz
Date: 2003-12-14 UT: 04:33 ... 04:46

*** Target: Field E
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Given the short exposure times (1 second), I ignored the lunar constraint.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Almost
Moon distance: 120 Almost
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135755 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_31A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-15 UT: 02:48 ... 03:29

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_31A_Iz
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
AM slightly exceeded at end of exposures

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Almost
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.37 - end: 1.55

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135758 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_30A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-15 UT: 00:36 ... 01:17

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_30A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.08 - end: 1.13

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135782 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_23A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-15 UT: 01:18 ... 02:02

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_23A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.14 - end: 1.22

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135806 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_16A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-15 UT: 02:03 ... 02:47

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_16A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.24 - end: 1.36

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138820 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_Iz_1
Date: 2003-12-15 UT: 00:22 ... 00:35

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
guide probe vignetting due to large offsets used, but standards visible in FOV

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.10 - end: 1.10

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 138820 OB Name: ZERO_VIMOS_TPhe_Iz_1
Date: 2003-12-15 UT: 03:30 ... 03:36

*** Target: TPhe
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
re-run in order to test solution to vignetting problem

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.62 - end: 1.64

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135785 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-16 UT: 00:56 ... 01:40

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_22A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
Repeated first exposure, lost guide star briefly.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.11 - end: 1.13
airmass: begin: 1.13 - end: 1.18

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135803 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_17A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-16 UT: 02:23 ... 03:04

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_17A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.30 - end: 1.45

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135809 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-16 UT: 01:41 ... 02:22

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_15A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.19 - end: 1.29

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135752 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_32A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-17 UT: 01:31 ... 02:12

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_32A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.16 - end: 1.26

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135776 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_25A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-17 UT: 02:13 ... 03:02

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_25A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
FIERA problem on z-band exposure 4/4, re-done after re-initialisation

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.27 - end: 1.36
airmass: begin: 1.42 - end: 1.45

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135779 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_24A_Iz
Date: 2003-12-17 UT: 00:49 ... 01:30

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_24A_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.10 - end: 1.16

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135763 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_29B_Iz
Date: 2003-12-18 UT: 01:58 ... 02:47

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_29B_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
changed guide star (too faint). New co-ords 00:32:20.182, -43:01:42.2

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.27 - end: 1.41

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135784 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_22B_Iz
Date: 2003-12-18 UT: 02:48 ... 03:29

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_22B_Iz
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Almost
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.43 - end: 1.65

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135757 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_30B_Iz
Date: 2003-12-20 UT: 01:35 ... 02:16

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_30B_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.21 - end: 1.32

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135808 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_15B_Iz
Date: 2003-12-20 UT: 00:53 ... 01:35

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_15B_Iz
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.13 - end: 1.20

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135781 OB Name: VIMOS_Field_23B_Iz
Date: 2003-12-21 UT: 00:41 ... 01:06

*** Target: VIMOS_Field_23B_Iz
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
OB aborted, transparency constraint not met

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 1.20 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 0.40 Yes
Moon distance: 120 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR No sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: begin: 1.12 - end: 1.15

*** Files produced: