Extracted Observing Reports for 70.B-0257(A): OB information

Telescope: Yepun (UT4)
Instrument: NACO

This is a summary of OB information extracted for all those nights which got observations for your run and which are contained in this data delivery.

This information has been extracted from a database which contains information ingested during the nights. The database is also maintained to reflect e.g. a posteriori updates of the OB grading.

This report is structured into two parts:
- breakdown by OBs (this page)
- breakdown by nights.

This page lists all the OBs and their related entries in the Paranal night logs. For each OB, the user-defined name, the target, the execution date(s) and time(s), the grade, and comments are listed.

Grade is set by the on-site observer, based on the user requested observing conditions (the OB Constraint Set) vs. the actual observing conditions. Its possible values are listed below.

Whenever possible, OBs with execution status "C" are repeated. Thus, some of your OBs may have been executed multiple times. Common reasons for NOT re-executing out-of-specification OBs are:

- lower priority run, no time left in semester
- target has set
- date constraint cannot be satisfied
- pre-imaging OB, data OK for MOS preparation.

Each OB entry has a link to a detailed plot of the ambient conditions. There is also the QC0 report listing ambient conditions file by file.

If you have questions about the execution status of your OBs, please contact the ESO User Support Group (usg-help@eso.org).

Note: There is a small chance of mismatches between delivered OBs/files and nightlog entries. The most likely cause are missing entries due to operational problems during the night.

OB section colour code: A)Fully within specifications B)Mostly within specifications C)Out of specs - Repeat X)Uncertain/Not Applicable

2a | OB summary
OB_ID Name Target Date UT
Grade Comments
126881 st_q0043 star_Q0043 2002-11-12 02:06 02:35 C The PSF star has a faint companion about 0.5" to the WSW
126882 Q0043 Q0043 2002-11-12 01:19 02:05 C Strehl on Br_gamma image is around 12%. PSF is elongated E-W.
126875 star_pks0405-0 star_pks0405 2002-11-17 05:15 05:44 A NONE
126876 pks0405-0 pks0405 2002-11-17 03:38 04:25 A 30% Strehl on the Br gamma image. I've ignored the lunar constraint. It is unecessarily severe for K-band observations. For this reason, the OB has been classifed as A.
130067 pks0405-2 pks0405 2002-11-17 06:35 07:18 B NONE
130068 pks0405-1 pks0405 2002-11-17 04:27 05:03 A No preset required.
130066 pks0405-3 pks0405 2003-03-21 00:00 00:36 B NONE
130061 pks0405-4 pks0405 2003-03-24 23:14 00:19 C Seeing went bad. Must repeat.
130061 pks0405-4 pks0405 2003-03-25 23:44 00:32 B NONE
142049 J0110.5-0 J0110.5 2003-06-19 10:20 10:43 C OB had to be aborted: the Vis WFS saturated because of the increasing background.
142048 J0110.5 J0110.5 2003-08-17 07:39 08:33 A The target is probably 1 magnitude fainter than V=13.6, so we were forced to go to a slower mode. However, the correction is good. The EE is 55%.
142049 J0110.5-0 J0110.5 2003-08-17 08:34 09:11 A EE at 60%
142058 star_j0110 star_J0110.5 2003-08-17 09:12 09:35 A The PSF star is a magnitude brighter than the quasar.
142050 J0110.5-1 J0110.5 2003-08-18 08:28 09:16 C Target is fainter than that specified in the AO configuration file. We classify it C, since the external seeing was about 1, otherwise we would have clasifeid it B
142050 J0110.5-1 J0110.5 2003-08-19 09:32 10:21 B Target is fainter than expected. Measured strehl - 18%
142051 J0110.5-2 J0110.5 2003-08-20 05:55 06:44 B Target is fainter than expected. Measured Strehl - 10-15% - Class B, becasue we had to go to a slower mode
142052 J0110.5-3 J0110.5 2003-08-20 06:44 07:22 B Target is fainter than expected. Measured Strehl - 10-15
142059 st_q0043 star_q0043bis 2003-08-20 07:22 07:42 X This target is five times fainter than expected. Aborted the OB after the first template.
142053 Q0043 Q0043 2003-09-14 03:50 04:45 B The strehl measured on the reference image is of the order of 13%, but the flux was too low for a proper estimation. However the strehl could be measured from the pipeline produced images. The values were of the order of 21, 20 & 17.5% respectively.
142053 Q0043 Q0043 2003-09-14 04:48 05:25 B This execution account for the execution of OB 142054. This is a repeat of the precedent OB ==> no ACQ. This one was executed twice -> accordingly 142054 was declared complete Strehl estimated, on pipeline reduced images, of the order of: 21, 16 & 21%
149070 st_q0043-0 star_Q0043tris 2003-09-14 06:30 07:04 C Strehl on reference image <=10%. Strehl as estimated on pipeline reduced images < 10% + RTC indicated constant poor performances + seeing degrading
142055 Q0043-1 Q0043 2003-09-15 03:19 03:41 C OB aborted: imposible to keep the loop stable (because of very variable seeing/turbulence)
142055 Q0043-1 Q0043 2003-09-16 04:28 05:22 A Strehl on reference image ~ 36%
142056 Q0043-2 Q0043 2003-09-16 07:52 08:45 B Strehl on reference image ~24%
142057 Q0043-3 Q0043 2003-09-16 08:45 09:35 A strehl on reference image ~ 35.5% - Started fully withint specifications, ended outside airmass limit but results of very good/high quality.
149070 st_q0043-0 star_Q0043tris 2003-09-16 09:36 10:08 C Strehl measured on reference image is very good (~48%) but is actually contaminated by background (low flux image). The last five images have poor IQ since the sky background started to disturb the AO. The last 3 images are even in open loop.
149070 st_q0043-0 star_Q0043tris 2003-09-20 03:44 04:26 B Strehl measured on reference star ~ 13.5% (low flux on source). On average the strehl given by the RTC is of the order of 30%, which explains the classification of this OB.

2b | OB details
OB ID: 126881 OB Name: st_q0043
Date: 2002-11-12 UT: 02:06 ... 02:35

*** Target: star_Q0043
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
The PSF star has a faint companion about 0.5" to the WSW

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.50 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.290 No
  all ambients

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*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.00
moon: FLI: 0.59 dist: 34.4 deg alt: 53.5 deg
DIMM: 0.87

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 126882 OB Name: Q0043
Date: 2002-11-12 UT: 01:19 ... 02:05

*** Target: Q0043
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Strehl on Br_gamma image is around 12%. PSF is elongated E-W.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.50 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Almost sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 No
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.01
moon: FLI: 0.59 dist: 34.4 deg alt: 63.2 deg
DIMM: 0.51

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 126875 OB Name: star_pks0405-0
Date: 2002-11-17 UT: 05:15 ... 05:44

*** Target: star_pks0405
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.20 Yes
FLI: 0.50 No
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 Yes
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 36.3 deg alt: 41.4 deg
DIMM: 0.54

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 126876 OB Name: pks0405-0
Date: 2002-11-17 UT: 03:38 ... 04:25

*** Target: pks0405
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
30% Strehl on the Br gamma image. I've ignored the lunar constraint. It is unecessarily severe for K-band observations. For this reason, the OB has been classifed as A.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.50 No
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 Yes
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.07
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 36.5 deg alt: 53.1 deg
DIMM: 0.55

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 130067 OB Name: pks0405-2
Date: 2002-11-17 UT: 06:35 ... 07:18

*** Target: pks0405
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.50 No
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.12
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 36.2 deg alt: 26.9 deg
DIMM: 1.83

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 130068 OB Name: pks0405-1
Date: 2002-11-17 UT: 04:27 ... 05:03

*** Target: pks0405
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
No preset required.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.50 No
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 Yes
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 36.5 deg alt: 49.5 deg
DIMM: 0.49

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 130066 OB Name: pks0405-3
Date: 2003-03-21 UT: 00:00 ... 00:36

*** Target: pks0405
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Almost
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.44
DIMM: 0.58

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 130061 OB Name: pks0405-4
Date: 2003-03-24 UT: 23:14 ... 00:19

*** Target: pks0405
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Seeing went bad. Must repeat.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 No DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.41
DIMM: 0.86

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 130061 OB Name: pks0405-4
Date: 2003-03-25 UT: 23:44 ... 00:32

*** Target: pks0405
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Almost
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 0.330 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.51
DIMM: 0.74

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142049 OB Name: J0110.5-0
Date: 2003-06-19 UT: 10:20 ... 10:43

*** Target: J0110.5
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
OB had to be aborted: the Vis WFS saturated because of the increasing background.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 N/A
FLI: 0.90 N/A
Moon distance: 30 N/A
Sky transparency: 2CLR N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.170 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.07
moon: FLI: 0.7 dist: 29.1 deg alt: 73.4 deg
DIMM: 0.92

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142048 OB Name: J0110.5
Date: 2003-08-17 UT: 07:39 ... 08:33

*** Target: J0110.5
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
The target is probably 1 magnitude fainter than V=13.6, so we were
forced to go to a slower mode. However, the correction is good.
The EE is 55%.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.170 Yes
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.01
moon: FLI: 0.72 dist: 34.2 deg alt: 47.8 deg
DIMM: -1.00

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142049 OB Name: J0110.5-0
Date: 2003-08-17 UT: 08:34 ... 09:11

*** Target: J0110.5
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
EE at 60%

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.170 Yes
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.02
moon: FLI: 0.71 dist: 34.4 deg alt: 51.0 deg
DIMM: 0.89

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142058 OB Name: star_j0110
Date: 2003-08-17 UT: 09:12 ... 09:35

*** Target: star_J0110.5
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
The PSF star is a magnitude brighter than the quasar.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 Yes DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 29.590 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.06
moon: FLI: 0.71 dist: 34.0 deg alt: 52.3 deg
DIMM: 0.81

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142050 OB Name: J0110.5-1
Date: 2003-08-18 UT: 08:28 ... 09:16

*** Target: J0110.5
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Target is fainter than that specified in the AO configuration file. We
classify it C, since the external seeing was about 1, otherwise we
would have clasifeid it B

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.170 No
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.02
moon: FLI: 0.61 dist: 44.6 deg alt: 43.7 deg
DIMM: 1.05

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142050 OB Name: J0110.5-1
Date: 2003-08-19 UT: 09:32 ... 10:21

*** Target: J0110.5
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Target is fainter than expected. Measured strehl - 18%

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.170 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.11
moon: FLI: 0.5 dist: 55.8 deg alt: 41.6 deg
DIMM: 0.59

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142051 OB Name: J0110.5-2
Date: 2003-08-20 UT: 05:55 ... 06:44

*** Target: J0110.5
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Target is fainter than expected. Measured Strehl - 10-15% - Class B, becasue we had to go to a slower mode

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.170 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.12
DIMM: 0.68
airmass: 1.10
moon: FLI: 0.41 dist: 65.5 deg alt: 0.4 deg
DIMM: 0.68

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142052 OB Name: J0110.5-3
Date: 2003-08-20 UT: 06:44 ... 07:22

*** Target: J0110.5
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Target is fainter than expected. Measured Strehl - 10-15

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.170 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.05
moon: FLI: 0.41 dist: 65.7 deg alt: 6.3 deg
DIMM: 0.78

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142059 OB Name: st_q0043
Date: 2003-08-20 UT: 07:22 ... 07:42

*** Target: star_q0043bis
*** Classification: D)Out of specs - Don't Repeat

*** Comments:
This target is five times fainter than expected. Aborted the OB after the first template.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 N/A
FLI: 0.90 N/A
Moon distance: 30 N/A
Sky transparency: 2CLR N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 28.860 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.00
moon: FLI: 0.41 dist: 78.2 deg alt: 15.5 deg
DIMM: 0.45

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142053 OB Name: Q0043
Date: 2003-09-14 UT: 03:50 ... 04:45

*** Target: Q0043
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
The strehl measured on the reference image is of the order of 13%,
but the flux was too low for a proper estimation.
However the strehl could be measured from the pipeline produced images.
The values were of the order of 21, 20 & 17.5% respectively.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.300 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.09
moon: FLI: 0.85 dist: 52.9 deg alt: 22.1 deg
DIMM: 0.71

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142053 OB Name: Q0043
Date: 2003-09-14 UT: 04:48 ... 05:25

*** Target: Q0043
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
This execution account for the execution of OB 142054. This is a repeat of the precedent OB ==> no ACQ.
This one was executed twice -> accordingly 142054 was declared complete
Strehl estimated, on pipeline reduced images, of the order of: 21, 16 & 21%

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.300 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.85 dist: 53.2 deg alt: 29.9 deg
DIMM: 0.64

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149070 OB Name: st_q0043-0
Date: 2003-09-14 UT: 06:30 ... 07:04

*** Target: star_Q0043tris
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Strehl on reference image <=10%. Strehl as estimated on pipeline reduced images < 10% + RTC indicated constant poor performances + seeing degrading

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 32.480 No
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.02
moon: FLI: 0.85 dist: 54.0 deg alt: 45.8 deg
DIMM: 0.86

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142055 OB Name: Q0043-1
Date: 2003-09-15 UT: 03:19 ... 03:41

*** Target: Q0043
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
OB aborted: imposible to keep the loop stable (because of very variable seeing/turbulence)

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 N/A
FLI: 0.90 N/A
Moon distance: 30 N/A
Sky transparency: 2CLR N/A sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.300 N/A
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142055 OB Name: Q0043-1
Date: 2003-09-16 UT: 04:28 ... 05:22

*** Target: Q0043
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
Strehl on reference image ~ 36%

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.300 Yes
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.67 dist: 73.5 deg alt: 7.8 deg
DIMM: 0.87

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142056 OB Name: Q0043-2
Date: 2003-09-16 UT: 07:52 ... 08:45

*** Target: Q0043
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Strehl on reference image ~24%

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.300 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.18
moon: FLI: 0.66 dist: 74.8 deg alt: 38.2 deg
DIMM: 0.71

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 142057 OB Name: Q0043-3
Date: 2003-09-16 UT: 08:45 ... 09:35

*** Target: Q0043
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
strehl on reference image ~ 35.5% - Started fully withint specifications, ended outside airmass limit but results of very good/high quality.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 33.300 Yes
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.37
moon: FLI: 0.66 dist: 75.0 deg alt: 41.0 deg
DIMM: 0.81

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149070 OB Name: st_q0043-0
Date: 2003-09-16 UT: 09:36 ... 10:08

*** Target: star_Q0043tris
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Strehl measured on reference image is very good (~48%) but is actually contaminated by background (low flux image).
The last five images have poor IQ since the sky background started
to disturb the AO. The last 3 images are even in open loop.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 32.480 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.69
moon: FLI: 0.65 dist: 75.5 deg alt: 41.1 deg
DIMM: 0.68

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149070 OB Name: st_q0043-0
Date: 2003-09-20 UT: 03:44 ... 04:26

*** Target: star_Q0043tris
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Strehl measured on reference star ~ 13.5% (low flux on source). On average the strehl given by the RTC is of the order of 30%, which explains the classification of this OB.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:

Seeing: 0.60 N/A DIMM seeing
Airmass: 1.40 Yes
FLI: 0.90 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 2CLR Yes sky transp.
Strehl ratio (%): 32.480 Almost
  all ambients

*: java enabled browser required

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.06
DIMM: 0.97

*** Files produced: