Extracted Observing Reports for 171.D-0004(A): OB information

Telescope: Antu (UT1)
Instrument: ISAAC

This is a summary of OB information extracted for all those nights which got observations for your run and which are contained in this data delivery.

This information has been extracted from a database which contains information ingested during the nights. The database is also maintained to reflect e.g. a posteriori updates of the OB grading.

This report is structured into two parts:
- breakdown by OBs (this page)
- breakdown by nights.

This page lists all the OBs and their related entries in the Paranal night logs. For each OB, the user-defined name, the target, the execution date(s) and time(s), the grade, and comments are listed.

Grade is set by the on-site observer, based on the user requested observing conditions (the OB Constraint Set) vs. the actual observing conditions. Its possible values are listed below.

Whenever possible, OBs with execution status "C" are repeated. Thus, some of your OBs may have been executed multiple times. Common reasons for NOT re-executing out-of-specification OBs are:

- lower priority run, no time left in semester
- target has set
- date constraint cannot be satisfied
- pre-imaging OB, data OK for MOS preparation.

Each OB entry has a link to a detailed plot of the ambient conditions. There is also the QC0 report listing ambient conditions file by file.

If you have questions about the execution status of your OBs, please contact the ESO User Support Group (usg-help@eso.org).

Note: There is a small chance of mismatches between delivered OBs/files and nightlog entries. The most likely cause are missing entries due to operational problems during the night.

OB grades: A)Fully within specifications B)Mostly within specifications C)Out of specs - Repeat X)Uncertain/Not Applicable

2a | OB summary
OB_ID Name Target Date UT
Grade Comments
135377 NGC300-FII-K3-N1 CEP-FII-N1 2003-07-27 08:53 09:48 A NONE
135378 NGC300-FII-K2-N1 CEP-FII-N1 2003-07-27 07:55 08:52 A OB aborted and acquisition executed as I was not sure that the telescope offset back at the presetting coordinates at the end of previous OB.
135379 NGC300-FII-J-N1 CEP-FII-N1 2003-07-27 09:48 10:38 A NONE
135380 NGC300-FII-K1-N1 CEP-FII-N1 2003-07-27 06:45 07:54 A OB crashed at the 11th exposure due to a failure of the autoguider. The OB was restarted and eventually aborted after 24 expsoures thus the total number of 34 exposures was "preserved"
135373 NGC300-FII-K3-N2 CEP-FII-N2 2003-08-08 06:59 08:03 A guiding stopped several times due to vignetting of wave-front-sensor, due to the large offset throws (600")
135374 NGC300-FII-K2-N2 CEP-FII-N2 2003-08-08 05:48 06:48 A acq. skipped, ditto prev. OB comment on vignetting
135375 NGC300-FII-J-N2 CEP-FII-N2 2003-08-08 08:04 08:58 A acq. skipped, ditto prev. OB comment on vignetting
135376 NGC300-FII-K1-N2 CEP-FII-N2 2003-08-08 04:43 05:47 A guiding stopped several times due to vignetting of wave-front-sensor, due to the large offset throws (600")
143892 STD-FS3-N2 FS3 2003-08-08 09:03 09:10 A NONE
143894 STD-FS142-N2 FS142 2003-08-08 04:30 04:39 A NONE
143899 STD-FS1-N2a FS1 2003-08-08 06:50 06:59 A NONE
135371 NGC300-FI-J-N1 CEP-F1-N1 2003-08-09 08:44 09:40 A IQ~0.6"
135386 NGC300-FI-K3-N1 CEP-F1-N1 2003-08-09 07:38 08:44 A NONE
135387 NGC300-FI-K2-N1 CEP-F1-N1 2003-08-09 06:31 07:30 A NONE
135388 NGC300-FI-K1-N1 CEP-F1-N1 2003-08-09 05:24 06:24 A NONE
143889 STD-FS6-N1 FS6 2003-08-09 09:40 09:48 A NONE
143895 STD-FS142-N1 FS142 2003-08-09 05:16 05:23 A NONE
143901 STD-FS1-N1a FS1 2003-08-09 07:31 07:38 A NONE
135369 NGC300-FIII-K3-N1 CEP-FIII-N1 2003-08-13 10:01 10:35 B 3rd in series of 3, aborted after 17/34 frames. However, IQ ~<.5" throughout entire series
135370 NGC300-FIII-K2-N1 CEP-FIII-N1 2003-08-13 08:54 10:00 A active optics lost during images 12,13
135372 NGC300-FIII-K1-N1 CEP-FIII-N1 2003-08-13 07:26 08:30 A IQ ~0.4"
135385 NGC300-FIII-J-N1 CEP-FIII-N1 2003-08-13 06:26 07:25 A NONE
143897 STD-FS114-N1 FS114 2003-08-13 08:38 08:53 A performed with one-cal then full active optics
143900 STD-FS1-N1b FS1 2003-08-13 08:30 08:38 A NONE
143890 STD-FS35-N2 FS35 2003-08-20 23:40 23:49 C This std star is too bright. We did not use the AO to avoid saturation. Classified C because the night was not photometric.
143894 STD-FS142-N2 FS142 2003-08-20 23:50 23:56 C Classified C because the night was not photometric
135381 NGC300-FI-J-N2 CEP-F1-N1 2003-08-21 06:46 07:48 A IQ = 0.6"
135382 NGC300-FI-K3-N2 CEP-F1-N2 2003-08-21 07:48 08:52 A IQ = 0.6"
135383 NGC300-FI-K2-N2 CEP-F1-N2 2003-08-21 08:53 09:53 A IQ = 0.6"
135384 NGC300-FI-K1-N2 CEP-F1-N2 2003-08-21 09:54 10:35 B Stopped after 23/34 exposures completed because of sunrise. Classified B as together with the 2 preceding OBs we have completed 90% of the total exposure time. Seeing was better than requested for almost all of data set, and this should compensate the slightly reduced exposure time.
143888 STD-FS6-N2 FS6 2003-08-21 06:11 06:18 A NONE
143890 STD-FS35-N2 FS35 2003-08-21 01:36 01:43 A We used only onecal to avoid saturation
143892 STD-FS3-N2 FS3 2003-08-21 06:04 06:11 A NONE
143894 STD-FS142-N2 FS142 2003-08-21 01:44 01:51 A NONE
143898 STD-FS1-N2b FS1 2003-08-21 05:56 06:04 A NONE
135343 NGC300-FIII-K3-N2 CEP-FIII-N2 2003-09-04 04:55 06:01 A NONE
135344 NGC300-FIII-K2-N2 CEP-FIII-N2 2003-09-04 03:51 04:54 A NONE
135367 NGC300-FIII-J-N2 CEP-FIII-N2 2003-09-04 06:02 06:57 A NONE
135368 NGC300-FIII-K1-N2 CEP-FIII-N2 2003-09-04 02:47 03:51 A Vignetting of the wavefront sensor due to the large offset
149615 STD-FS17-N1 FS17 2004-01-12 05:44 05:52 C std is saturated..., must repeat because science target could not be done
149621 N3109-FI-JK-N1 CEP-FI-N1 2004-01-12 05:52 06:02 C aborted, will pass unaccetably close to Zenith before end of OB
149609 STD-FS20-N1 FS20 2004-01-31 08:31 08:37 A NONE
149613 STD-FS128I-N1 FS128 2004-01-31 08:37 08:43 A NONE
149615 STD-FS17-N1 FS17 2004-01-31 04:34 04:39 A NONE
149615 STD-FS17-N1 FS17 2004-01-31 05:59 06:04 A NONE
149616 STD-FS16-N1 FS16 2004-01-31 04:28 04:33 A NONE
149616 STD-FS16-N1 FS16 2004-01-31 05:53 05:58 A NONE
149618 STD-FS15-N1 FS15 2004-01-31 04:21 04:28 A NONE
149618 STD-FS15-N1 FS15 2004-01-31 05:46 05:53 A NONE
149621 N3109-FI-JK-N1 CEP-FI-N1 2004-01-31 04:46 05:44 A The target is crossing the zenith so we have to stop (momentally). The OB will be restarted after. In the mean time we will take extra std star.
149621 N3109-FI-JK-N1 CEP-FI-N1 2004-01-31 06:06 08:29 A OB restarted after zenith. We had to pause at exposure 44 to change guide star. IQ=0.5"
149601 N3109-FII-JK-N1 CEP-FII-N1 2004-02-01 04:06 05:42 A IQ=0.5". During exposure 12 telescope went to non guiding due to large offset. New guiding star chosen, 1 exposure will be added. OB aborted after 32 exposures in Ks because crossing zenith. Will be restarted after.
149601 N3109-FII-JK-N1 CEP-FII-N1 2004-02-01 06:02 07:31 A IQ=0.5"
149607 STD-FS20-N2 FS20 2004-02-01 07:38 07:44 A NONE
149608 STD-FS16-N2 FS16 2004-02-01 03:54 04:00 A NONE
149608 STD-FS16-N2 FS16 2004-02-01 05:50 05:55 A NONE
149611 STD-FS128II-N1 FS128 2004-02-01 07:32 07:38 A NONE
149614 STD-FS17-N2 FS17 2004-02-01 04:00 04:06 A NONE
149614 STD-FS17-N2 FS17 2004-02-01 05:55 06:01 A NONE
149617 STD-FS15-N2 FS15 2004-02-01 03:47 03:54 A NONE
149617 STD-FS15-N2 FS15 2004-02-01 05:43 05:49 A We do again the 3 std stars waiting the target crosses the zenith...
149595 N3109-FIII-JK-N1 CEP-FIII-N1 2004-02-09 05:56 06:29 C After one of the offsets, the guide probe vignetted the field. While moving the guide probe out, the OB execution aborted. The latter was restarted afterwards.
149595 N3109-FIII-JK-N1 CEP-FIII-N1 2004-02-09 06:33 07:30 C OB execution interrupted to observe the very northern standard star field FS23.
149595 N3109-FIII-JK-N1 CEP-FIII-N1 2004-02-09 07:38 09:20 A NONE
149605 STD-FS23-N2 FS23 2004-02-09 09:25 09:30 A NONE
149606 STD-FS23-N1 FS23 2004-02-09 07:30 07:37 A NONE
149610 STD-FS128II-N2 FS128 2004-02-09 09:20 09:25 A NONE
149612 STD-FS128I-N2 FS128 2004-02-09 05:49 05:55 A NONE
150192 N3109-FI-JK-N2 CEP-FI-N2 2004-02-11 03:50 05:04 A IQ=0.7" - guide probe was moved beween exposure 5 and 6 because of vignetting. - OB aborted after 18 exposures in Ks because target crossing zenith. Will be restarted after about 15 minutes.
150192 N3109-FI-JK-N2 CEP-FI-N2 2004-02-11 05:40 07:27 A the 34 cycles missing are completed : IQ=0.6"-0.9"
150191 N3109-FII-JK-N2 CEP-FII-N2 2004-02-13 03:46 05:00 A IQ . OB aborted after 12 exposures Ks out of the 86 because target crossing zenith. Will be retsarted a bit later
150191 N3109-FII-JK-N2 CEP-FII-N2 2004-02-13 05:27 07:46 A IQ = 0.5" - note that the guiding stoped several times (because of the large offsets) and had to be restarted.
149612 STD-FS128I-N2 FS128 2004-02-19 04:28 04:35 X NONE
150190 N3109-FIII-JK-N2 CEP-FIII-N2 2004-02-19 02:25 04:28 C Aborted after 46 exposures due to getting close to the zenith angle limit
150190 N3109-FIII-JK-N2 CEP-FIII-N2 2004-02-19 05:00 05:11 C OB crashed during lost guide star acquisition because of large (550") AB offset, submitted PPRS, 4 exposures completed
150190 N3109-FIII-JK-N2 CEP-FIII-N2 2004-02-19 05:16 06:13 A Fully within specs when combined with the previous exposures

2b | OB details
OB ID: 135377 OB Name: NGC300-FII-K3-N1
Date: 2003-07-27 UT: 08:53 ... 09:48

*** Target: CEP-FII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
DIMM: 0.47

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135378 OB Name: NGC300-FII-K2-N1
Date: 2003-07-27 UT: 07:55 ... 08:52

*** Target: CEP-FII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
OB aborted and acquisition executed as I was not sure that the telescope offset back at the presetting coordinates at the end of previous OB.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.07
DIMM: 0.37
airmass: 1.07
DIMM: 0.43

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135379 OB Name: NGC300-FII-J-N1
Date: 2003-07-27 UT: 09:48 ... 10:38

*** Target: CEP-FII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
DIMM: 0.64

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135380 OB Name: NGC300-FII-K1-N1
Date: 2003-07-27 UT: 06:45 ... 07:54

*** Target: CEP-FII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
OB crashed at the 11th exposure due to a failure of the autoguider. The OB was restarted and eventually aborted after 24 expsoures thus the total number of 34 exposures was "preserved"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.20
DIMM: 0.38
airmass: 1.14
DIMM: 0.54

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135373 OB Name: NGC300-FII-K3-N2
Date: 2003-08-08 UT: 06:59 ... 08:03

*** Target: CEP-FII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
guiding stopped several times due to vignetting of wave-front-sensor, due to the large offset throws (600")

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.08
moon: FLI: 0.85 dist: 77.7 deg alt: 24.5 deg
DIMM: 0.52

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135374 OB Name: NGC300-FII-K2-N2
Date: 2003-08-08 UT: 05:48 ... 06:48

*** Target: CEP-FII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
acq. skipped, ditto prev. OB comment on vignetting

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.24
moon: FLI: 0.84 dist: 78.1 deg alt: 40.0 deg
DIMM: 0.59

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135375 OB Name: NGC300-FII-J-N2
Date: 2003-08-08 UT: 08:04 ... 08:58

*** Target: CEP-FII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
acq. skipped, ditto prev. OB comment on vignetting

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.85 dist: 77.3 deg alt: 11.7 deg
DIMM: 0.63

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135376 OB Name: NGC300-FII-K1-N2
Date: 2003-08-08 UT: 04:43 ... 05:47

*** Target: CEP-FII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
guiding stopped several times due to vignetting of wave-front-sensor, due to the large offset throws (600")

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.49
moon: FLI: 0.84 dist: 78.4 deg alt: 53.0 deg
DIMM: 0.60

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143892 OB Name: STD-FS3-N2
Date: 2003-08-08 UT: 09:03 ... 09:10

*** Target: FS3
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.15
DIMM: 0.72
airmass: 1.15
DIMM: 0.64

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143894 OB Name: STD-FS142-N2
Date: 2003-08-08 UT: 04:30 ... 04:39

*** Target: FS142
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.42
DIMM: 0.46
airmass: 1.43
DIMM: 0.53

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143899 OB Name: STD-FS1-N2a
Date: 2003-08-08 UT: 06:50 ... 06:59

*** Target: FS1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.07
DIMM: 0.50
airmass: 1.07
DIMM: 0.52

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135371 OB Name: NGC300-FI-J-N1
Date: 2003-08-09 UT: 08:44 ... 09:40

*** Target: CEP-F1-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.92 dist: 66.0 deg alt: 15.5 deg
DIMM: 0.80

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135386 OB Name: NGC300-FI-K3-N1
Date: 2003-08-09 UT: 07:38 ... 08:44

*** Target: CEP-F1-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
moon: FLI: 0.92 dist: 66.4 deg alt: 28.6 deg
DIMM: 0.63

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135387 OB Name: NGC300-FI-K2-N1
Date: 2003-08-09 UT: 06:31 ... 07:30

*** Target: CEP-F1-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.12
moon: FLI: 0.92 dist: 66.7 deg alt: 43.6 deg
DIMM: 0.63

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135388 OB Name: NGC300-FI-K1-N1
Date: 2003-08-09 UT: 05:24 ... 06:24

*** Target: CEP-F1-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.29
moon: FLI: 0.91 dist: 67.0 deg alt: 57.5 deg
DIMM: 0.74

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143889 OB Name: STD-FS6-N1
Date: 2003-08-09 UT: 09:40 ... 09:48

*** Target: FS6
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.16
DIMM: 0.81
airmass: 1.16
DIMM: 0.88

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143895 OB Name: STD-FS142-N1
Date: 2003-08-09 UT: 05:16 ... 05:23

*** Target: FS142
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.74
DIMM: 0.65
airmass: 1.76
DIMM: 0.66

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143901 OB Name: STD-FS1-N1a
Date: 2003-08-09 UT: 07:31 ... 07:38

*** Target: FS1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
DIMM: 0.67
airmass: 1.03
DIMM: 0.64

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135369 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-K3-N1
Date: 2003-08-13 UT: 10:01 ... 10:35

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N1
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
3rd in series of 3, aborted after 17/34 frames. However, IQ ~<.5" throughout entire series

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.13
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 36.0 deg alt: 37.9 deg
DIMM: 0.54

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135370 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-K2-N1
Date: 2003-08-13 UT: 08:54 ... 10:00

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
active optics lost during images 12,13

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 35.9 deg alt: 51.8 deg
DIMM: 0.53

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135372 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-K1-N1
Date: 2003-08-13 UT: 07:26 ... 08:30

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ ~0.4"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 35.9 deg alt: 69.6 deg
DIMM: 0.61

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135385 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-J-N1
Date: 2003-08-13 UT: 06:26 ... 07:25

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.10
moon: FLI: 0.98 dist: 35.8 deg alt: 74.7 deg
DIMM: 0.56

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143897 OB Name: STD-FS114-N1
Date: 2003-08-13 UT: 08:38 ... 08:53

*** Target: FS114
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
performed with one-cal then full active optics

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.90
DIMM: 0.49
airmass: 1.88
DIMM: 0.63
airmass: 1.85
DIMM: 0.55
airmass: 1.83
DIMM: 0.45

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143900 OB Name: STD-FS1-N1b
Date: 2003-08-13 UT: 08:30 ... 08:38

*** Target: FS1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
DIMM: 0.55
airmass: 1.05
DIMM: 0.54

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143890 OB Name: STD-FS35-N2
Date: 2003-08-20 UT: 23:40 ... 23:49

*** Target: FS35
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
This std star is too bright. We did not use the AO to avoid saturation.
Classified C because the night was not photometric.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.23
DIMM: 1.19
airmass: 1.23
DIMM: 1.06

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143894 OB Name: STD-FS142-N2
Date: 2003-08-20 UT: 23:50 ... 23:56

*** Target: FS142
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Classified C because the night was not photometric

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.19
DIMM: 1.57
airmass: 1.19
DIMM: 0.99

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135381 OB Name: NGC300-FI-J-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 06:46 ... 07:48

*** Target: CEP-F1-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ = 0.6"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
DIMM: 0.57
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.31 dist: 91.5 deg alt: 0.2 deg
DIMM: 0.66

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135382 OB Name: NGC300-FI-K3-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 07:48 ... 08:52

*** Target: CEP-F1-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ = 0.6"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.3 dist: 91.8 deg alt: 8.1 deg
DIMM: 0.69

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135383 OB Name: NGC300-FI-K2-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 08:53 ... 09:53

*** Target: CEP-F1-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ = 0.6"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.07
moon: FLI: 0.3 dist: 92.2 deg alt: 19.4 deg
DIMM: 0.93

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135384 OB Name: NGC300-FI-K1-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 09:54 ... 10:35

*** Target: CEP-F1-N2
*** Classification: B)Mostly within specifications

*** Comments:
Stopped after 23/34 exposures completed because of sunrise. Classified B as together with the 2 preceding OBs we have completed 90% of the total
exposure time. Seeing was better than requested for almost all
of data set, and this should compensate the slightly
reduced exposure time.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.19
moon: FLI: 0.3 dist: 92.5 deg alt: 28.2 deg
DIMM: 0.68

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143888 OB Name: STD-FS6-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 06:11 ... 06:18

*** Target: FS6
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.63
DIMM: 0.50
airmass: 1.62
DIMM: 0.63

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143890 OB Name: STD-FS35-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 01:36 ... 01:43

*** Target: FS35
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
We used only onecal to avoid saturation

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.15
DIMM: 0.58
airmass: 1.15
DIMM: -1.00

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143892 OB Name: STD-FS3-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 06:04 ... 06:11

*** Target: FS3
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.26
DIMM: 0.83
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.77

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143894 OB Name: STD-FS142-N2
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 01:44 ... 01:51

*** Target: FS142
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.12
DIMM: 0.54
airmass: 1.13
DIMM: 0.60

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 143898 OB Name: STD-FS1-N2b
Date: 2003-08-21 UT: 05:56 ... 06:04

*** Target: FS1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 1.90 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.08
DIMM: 0.49
airmass: 1.07
DIMM: 0.58

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135343 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-K3-N2
Date: 2003-09-04 UT: 04:55 ... 06:01

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.11
moon: FLI: 0.62 dist: 81.4 deg alt: 24.1 deg
DIMM: -1.00

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135344 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-K2-N2
Date: 2003-09-04 UT: 03:51 ... 04:54

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.26
moon: FLI: 0.61 dist: 81.8 deg alt: 37.2 deg
DIMM: -1.00

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135367 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-J-N2
Date: 2003-09-04 UT: 06:02 ... 06:57

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
moon: FLI: 0.62 dist: 81.0 deg alt: 10.8 deg
DIMM: 1.16

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 135368 OB Name: NGC300-FIII-K1-N2
Date: 2003-09-04 UT: 02:47 ... 03:51

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
Vignetting of the wavefront sensor due to the large offset

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.56
moon: FLI: 0.61 dist: 82.1 deg alt: 50.8 deg
DIMM: 0.83

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149615 OB Name: STD-FS17-N1
Date: 2004-01-12 UT: 05:44 ... 05:52

*** Target: FS17
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
std is saturated..., must repeat because science target could not be done

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.62
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.72

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149621 OB Name: N3109-FI-JK-N1
Date: 2004-01-12 UT: 05:52 ... 06:02

*** Target: CEP-FI-N1
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
aborted, will pass unaccetably close to Zenith before end of OB

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 N/A
Airmass: 1.70 N/A
FLI: 1.00 N/A
Moon distance: 30 N/A
Sky transparency: 1PHO N/A
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.05
moon: FLI: 0.64 dist: 42.2 deg alt: 33.7 deg
DIMM: 0.60

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149609 OB Name: STD-FS20-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 08:31 ... 08:37

*** Target: FS20
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.14
DIMM: 0.51
airmass: 1.14
DIMM: 0.54

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149613 OB Name: STD-FS128I-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 08:37 ... 08:43

*** Target: FS128
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.29
DIMM: 0.56
airmass: 1.30
DIMM: 0.46

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149615 OB Name: STD-FS17-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 04:34 ... 04:39

*** Target: FS17
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.63
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.58

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149615 OB Name: STD-FS17-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 05:59 ... 06:04

*** Target: FS17
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.31
DIMM: 0.71
airmass: 1.32
DIMM: 0.58

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149616 OB Name: STD-FS16-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 04:28 ... 04:33

*** Target: FS16
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.61
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.68

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149616 OB Name: STD-FS16-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 05:53 ... 05:58

*** Target: FS16
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.30
DIMM: 0.52
airmass: 1.30
DIMM: 0.63

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149618 OB Name: STD-FS15-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 04:21 ... 04:28

*** Target: FS15
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.56
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.57

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149618 OB Name: STD-FS15-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 05:46 ... 05:53

*** Target: FS15
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.29
DIMM: 0.77
airmass: 1.29
DIMM: 0.63

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149621 OB Name: N3109-FI-JK-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 04:46 ... 05:44

*** Target: CEP-FI-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
The target is crossing the zenith so we have to stop (momentally). The OB will be restarted after. In the mean time we will take extra std star.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.05
moon: FLI: 0.79 dist: 92.5 deg alt: 12.9 deg
DIMM: 0.51
airmass: 1.01
moon: FLI: 0.8 dist: 92.2 deg alt: 4.6 deg
DIMM: 0.63

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149621 OB Name: N3109-FI-JK-N1
Date: 2004-01-31 UT: 06:06 ... 08:29

*** Target: CEP-FI-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
OB restarted after zenith. We had to pause at exposure 44 to change guide star. IQ=0.5"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.00
DIMM: 0.65

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149601 OB Name: N3109-FII-JK-N1
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 04:06 ... 05:42

*** Target: CEP-FII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ=0.5". During exposure 12 telescope went to non guiding due to large offset. New guiding star chosen, 1 exposure will be added. OB aborted after 32 exposures in Ks because crossing zenith. Will be restarted after.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.10
moon: FLI: 0.87 dist: 83.5 deg alt: 25.5 deg
DIMM: 0.40
airmass: 1.03
moon: FLI: 0.87 dist: 83.3 deg alt: 18.7 deg
DIMM: 0.43

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149601 OB Name: N3109-FII-JK-N1
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 06:02 ... 07:31

*** Target: CEP-FII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.00
moon: FLI: 0.88 dist: 82.9 deg alt: 6.2 deg
DIMM: 0.45
airmass: 1.01
DIMM: 0.38

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149607 OB Name: STD-FS20-N2
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 07:38 ... 07:44

*** Target: FS20
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.07
DIMM: 0.45
airmass: 1.08
DIMM: 0.45

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149608 OB Name: STD-FS16-N2
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 03:54 ... 04:00

*** Target: FS16
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.27
DIMM: 0.47
airmass: 1.27
DIMM: 0.42

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149608 OB Name: STD-FS16-N2
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 05:50 ... 05:55

*** Target: FS16
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.30
DIMM: 0.38
airmass: 1.30
DIMM: 0.33

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149611 OB Name: STD-FS128II-N1
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 07:32 ... 07:38

*** Target: FS128
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.19
DIMM: 0.57
airmass: 1.19
DIMM: 0.53

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149614 OB Name: STD-FS17-N2
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 04:00 ... 04:06

*** Target: FS17
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.27
DIMM: 0.36
airmass: 1.27
DIMM: 0.42

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149614 OB Name: STD-FS17-N2
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 05:55 ... 06:01

*** Target: FS17
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.31
DIMM: 0.35
airmass: 1.32
DIMM: 0.34

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149617 OB Name: STD-FS15-N2
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 03:47 ... 03:54

*** Target: FS15
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.28
DIMM: 0.38
airmass: 1.28
DIMM: 0.38

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149617 OB Name: STD-FS15-N2
Date: 2004-02-01 UT: 05:43 ... 05:49

*** Target: FS15
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
We do again the 3 std stars waiting the target crosses the zenith...

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.40 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.29
DIMM: 0.31
airmass: 1.29
DIMM: 0.30

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149595 OB Name: N3109-FIII-JK-N1
Date: 2004-02-09 UT: 05:56 ... 06:29

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N1
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
After one of the offsets, the guide probe vignetted the field. While
moving the guide probe out, the OB execution aborted. The latter
was restarted afterwards.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.01
moon: FLI: 0.78 dist: 45.3 deg alt: 51.8 deg
DIMM: 0.69

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149595 OB Name: N3109-FIII-JK-N1
Date: 2004-02-09 UT: 06:33 ... 07:30

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N1
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
OB execution interrupted to observe the very northern standard star field FS23.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.04
moon: FLI: 0.78 dist: 45.4 deg alt: 58.0 deg
DIMM: 0.82
airmass: 1.06
moon: FLI: 0.78 dist: 45.4 deg alt: 60.3 deg
DIMM: 0.90

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149595 OB Name: N3109-FIII-JK-N1
Date: 2004-02-09 UT: 07:38 ... 09:20

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N1
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.16
moon: FLI: 0.77 dist: 45.4 deg alt: 65.4 deg
DIMM: 0.89

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149605 OB Name: STD-FS23-N2
Date: 2004-02-09 UT: 09:25 ... 09:30

*** Target: FS23
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.67
DIMM: 1.02
airmass: 1.68
DIMM: 1.13

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149606 OB Name: STD-FS23-N1
Date: 2004-02-09 UT: 07:30 ... 07:37

*** Target: FS23
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.85
DIMM: 0.91
airmass: 1.84
DIMM: 1.09

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149610 OB Name: STD-FS128II-N2
Date: 2004-02-09 UT: 09:20 ... 09:25

*** Target: FS128
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.66
DIMM: 1.06
airmass: 1.67
DIMM: 1.16

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149612 OB Name: STD-FS128I-N2
Date: 2004-02-09 UT: 05:49 ... 05:55

*** Target: FS128
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 Yes
Airmass: 2.00 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.19
DIMM: 0.74
airmass: 1.19
DIMM: 0.91

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 150192 OB Name: N3109-FI-JK-N2
Date: 2004-02-11 UT: 03:50 ... 05:04

*** Target: CEP-FI-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ=0.7" - guide probe was moved beween exposure 5 and 6 because of vignetting. - OB aborted after 18 exposures in Ks because target crossing zenith. Will be restarted after about 15 minutes.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.06
moon: FLI: 0.59 dist: 60.4 deg alt: 10.4 deg
DIMM: 0.81
airmass: 1.01
moon: FLI: 0.59 dist: 60.6 deg alt: 20.4 deg
DIMM: 1.36

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 150192 OB Name: N3109-FI-JK-N2
Date: 2004-02-11 UT: 05:40 ... 07:27

*** Target: CEP-FI-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
the 34 cycles missing are completed : IQ=0.6"-0.9"

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.00
moon: FLI: 0.58 dist: 60.9 deg alt: 34.8 deg
DIMM: 0.76

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 150191 OB Name: N3109-FII-JK-N2
Date: 2004-02-13 UT: 03:46 ... 05:00

*** Target: CEP-FII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ . OB aborted after 12 exposures Ks out of the 86 because target crossing zenith. Will be retsarted a bit later

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.05
DIMM: 0.57
airmass: 1.01
moon: FLI: 0.38 dist: 81.1 deg alt: 1.6 deg
DIMM: 0.75
airmass: 1.01
moon: FLI: 0.38 dist: 81.2 deg alt: 2.0 deg
DIMM: 1.01

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 150191 OB Name: N3109-FII-JK-N2
Date: 2004-02-13 UT: 05:27 ... 07:46

*** Target: CEP-FII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
IQ = 0.5" - note that the guiding stoped several times (because of the large offsets) and had to be restarted.

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.50 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.00
moon: FLI: 0.37 dist: 81.5 deg alt: 12.4 deg
DIMM: 1.02
airmass: 1.05
moon: FLI: 0.37 dist: 81.9 deg alt: 25.0 deg
DIMM: 0.73
airmass: 1.06
moon: FLI: 0.37 dist: 81.8 deg alt: 26.7 deg
DIMM: 0.78

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 149612 OB Name: STD-FS128I-N2
Date: 2004-02-19 UT: 04:28 ... 04:35

*** Target: FS128
*** Classification: X)Uncertain/Not Applicable

*** Comments:

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 1.50 N/A
Airmass: 2.00 N/A
FLI: 1.00 N/A
Moon distance: 30 N/A
Sky transparency: 1PHO N/A
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.54
airmass: 1.25
DIMM: 0.55

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 150190 OB Name: N3109-FIII-JK-N2
Date: 2004-02-19 UT: 02:25 ... 04:28

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N2
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
Aborted after 46 exposures due to getting close to the zenith angle limit

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.17
DIMM: 0.54
airmass: 1.07
DIMM: 0.50

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 150190 OB Name: N3109-FIII-JK-N2
Date: 2004-02-19 UT: 05:00 ... 05:11

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N2
*** Classification: C)Out of specs - Repeat

*** Comments:
OB crashed during lost guide star acquisition because of large (550") AB offset, submitted PPRS, 4 exposures completed

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.00
DIMM: 0.58

*** Files produced:

OB ID: 150190 OB Name: N3109-FIII-JK-N2
Date: 2004-02-19 UT: 05:16 ... 06:13

*** Target: CEP-FIII-N2
*** Classification: A)Fully within specifications

*** Comments:
Fully within specs when combined with the previous exposures

*** For programs (if calibration):

*** Constraints:
Seeing: 0.80 Yes
Airmass: 1.70 Yes
FLI: 1.00 Yes
Moon distance: 30 Yes
Sky transparency: 1PHO Yes
Strehl ratio (%): 0.000 N/A

*** Measured ambient conditions during exposures (may have been provided at random; DIMM=-1: no value available):
airmass: 1.01
DIMM: 0.59

*** Files produced: