HISTORY tellTracker

1.0	2011-03-14	created (this tool is optional!)
1.0.1	2011-03-17	provide undated output on qcweb; measure load; improve top text
1.0.2	2011-03-22	bug fix for "non recoverable"
1.1	2011-03-27	added: detailed result page; column toggle added; DATE removed
1.1.1	2011-04-01	navigation tags improved, default page
1.2	2012-10-17	getObInfo used for OB grades and comments; calChecker logo added
1.2.1	2012-10-18	suppress message from getObInfo
1.2.2	2013-10-10	mark issue in tab; TWILIGHT calculation turned off
1.2.3 	2013-10-17	bug fix for issue marker
1.3	2013-11-08	telluric STD types can be associated to different science raw_types [WHu]
1.4	2014-05-05	dataclient replaced by HdrDownloader
1.4.1	2014-05-27	optional config file for HdrDownloader recognized
1.4.2	2015-01-13	standard dfs call of HdrDownloader; cfg file terminated
1.4.3	2015-08-31	fixed bug with not propagated red flag in MISS case [BWo]
1.5	2016-11-16	extra HDR directory for tellTracker: DFO_HDR_DIR/TELLTRACK; enable complete header scans while avoiding incomplete ABs
1.5.1	2017-03-21	prepared for P100 
1.5.2	2018-06-16	no sourcing of .qcrc in :224
1.5.3	2020-02-07	updated getFlag to support both old and new (P105+) runID formats