1.0 2007-05-23 released
1.0.1 2007-07-12 enabled for parallel execution; links added in html output
1.0.2 2007-10-12 DB_TYPE: check for legal values char or number
1.0.3 2007-12-06 improved hyperlinks, local or external, to prepare for archiving
1.1 2008-04-09 writes to qc1_score database; improved hyperlinks; extended configuration, reads statFiles from trendPlotter v2.x
1.1.1 2008-04-11 suppress messages from getStatusAB
1.1.2 2008-07-30 RB section not evaluated anymore
1.2 2008-12-15 detThresh extended to include $DET1; prepare for trendPlotter calls in $DFO_MON_DIR/HC_list_
1.3 2009-01-23 write CALIB or SCIENCE into TLOG, to provide specific TOTAL_SCOREs
1.3.1 2009-02-18 bug fixed with MATCHKEY=^... in config.scoreQC
1.3.2 2009-03-30 link added to HELP file
1.3.3 2009-06-16 link added behind HC flags
1.4 2009-06-30 dynamic plots with thresholds; QC1 parameter documentation added as tooltips; new key SHOW_ICON
1.4.1 2009-07-15 bug fix line :1570 for MEF detector plots [BWo]; YMIN/YMAX bug for MEFs fixed
1.4.2 2009-12-23 bug fix replacing "grep -e $M" with "grep -e [[:space]]$M[[:space]]" [MNe]
1.5 2010-01-25 improved detector arrangement for MEF; fact sheet
1.5.1 2010-09-14 option to specify $TMP_DIR for debugging
1.5.2 2010-10-07 added some documentation for the score report
1.6 2011-05-31 new coversheet support; unscored: display val[ue]; correct YMAX if VALUE higher than configured value
1.6.1 2011-06-27 modified WEB_SERVER_URL, minor change in line 968
1.7 2012-02-01 explore button; investigate mode
1.7.1 2012-06-28 display match key if INVESTIGATE=YES; fuzzy PROD_ROOT_NAME disabled; bug fixed with QC params containing 'filter' in their name [BWo]
1.8 2013-01-11 support ATAB files; TPL_ID and TPL_NAME written into score report
1.8.1 2013-01-31 bug fix for TPL_ID handling on QC cluster
1.8.2 2013-05-13 optional config paramater UPDATE_YN, useful for phoenix
1.8.3 2013-10-01 format=gif replaced by format=png
1.9 2013-11-04 replace $WEB_SERVER by $DFO_WEB_SERVER
1.10 2014-11-18 determine trendPlotter calls from HC_PLOT configuration per RAW_TYPE [BWo]
2.0 2015-04-20 new optional splitting of config files; marking for YELLOW_SCORE flag in getStatusAB
2.0.1 2015-06-01 bug fix for case if called within recreateAB
2.0.2 2015-07-01 no code change but new section 4.1A in config file for MULTI_CONFIG=YES and multiple RAW_TYPEs
2.1 2015-09-21 optional CONFIG_PGI, to have flexibility if MULTI_CONFIG=NO
2.1.1 2015-10-28 update HC_flag in table delay_time at the end
2.1.2 2015-10-29 bug fix in update of dfo_delay_time
2.1.3 2015-10-30 another bug fix related to delay_time
2.1.4 2015-10-24 added OBS_TPLNO and OBS_NTPL to html report
2.1.5 2021-04-26 decommission delay_time
2.1.6 2021-05-03 do not write hc_pindex into TLOG as was done with v2.1.5
2.1.7 2021-05-19 link to HC report not as pop-up window