HISTORY extractStat
1.0 2005-05-03 written from scratch
1.0.1 2005-05-31 counts TECHNICAL data under CALIB
1.0.2 2005-08-04 avoids shell error message if no products found
1.0.3 2005-11-17 bug fixed for case config.extractStat missing
1.1 2005-02-28 graphical reports enforced to update
1.1.1 2006-05-18 fitsreport_asoclists obsolete
1.1.2 2006-06-06 TOOL_MODE extended
1.1.3 2007-04-03 bug fixed in product counting
1.1.4 2007-04-23 SKIP_GRAPHICS: external variable
1.1.5 2007-10-09 EXEC: SUCCESSFUL ABs counted only
1.1.6 2007-10-12 safe mode if N_products > 1000
1.2 2008-07-03 statistics are written into daily_stat and monthly_stat
1.2.1 2008-08-19 safety copy and rcp turned off
2.0 2009-02-13 all stats read from month_stat database table
2.0.1 2009-07-13 fill monthly_stat with N_ALL_RAW etc.
2.0.2 2009-07-15 new config key MEF_FACTOR
2.1 2009-08-06 T_QC_EXEC added
2.1.1 2009-10-19 line 455: DFO_INSTRUMENT replaced by ARCH_INSTRUMENT [SMo]
2.2 2011-11-03 line 349: only RAWFILEs in executed ABs are evaluated
2.3 2012-06-05 this has been undone since we want to also count the SCIENCE ABs
2.3.1 2012-08-24 replace observations by obs_metadata database
2.3.2 2012-09-24 include $MJD1 and $MJD2 in product size query
2.3.3 2012-10-01 fix a bug with science RAW files; add migrate_extractStat to delivery
2.3.4 2013-01-16 bug fix to avoid counting of ATAB files [BWo]
2.3.5 2013-01-21 minor bug fix related to new syntax of error message
3.0 2013-03-21 version without DEF and MODEs; new option -I for quarterly report
3.0.1 2014-09-04 calib..data_products replaced by qc_metadata..qc_products