HISTORY createReport


1.0     2004-05-10
1.0.1	2004-07-07	have hdr_extension configurable
1.0.2	2004-07-08	improved error handling if PANL2 connection fails
1.0.3	2004-07-13	have INFO_FILE configured
1.0.4	2004-07-28	bug with HDR_EXTENSION fixed
1.1	2004-08-12	uses dfosLog for central logging (backwards compatible)
1.1.1	2004-08-13	added: NUMBER_UNDEF (backwards compatible)
1.2	2004-10-25	added: statistics per SCIENCE mode
2.0	2004-11-09	full support for mode 'run_id', both for DATE and OB schemes; compatible with updateDP
2.0.1	2004-12-03	SIMULATION and SORT_SCHEME read from config.updateDP
2.1	2004-12-16	has OBSERV_TAG added and SM/VM flag
2.1.1	2005-03-30	isql query for SM/VM flag improved
2.1.2	2005-04-06	naming for reports in OB mode modified, HDR_EXTENSION removed
2.1.3	2005-10-18	DFO_QUERY_DIR obsolete, replaced by $DFO_BIN_DIR
2.1.4	2005-11-08	ACQUISITION shortened to ACQUIS
2.1.5	2005-11-17	minor modification for EXTRACTIONS part
2.2 	2005-11-21	support for SORT_SCHEME DATE terminated
2.2.1	2006-03-03	list_packdirs obsolete
2.2.2	2006-05-16	dfosLog suspended
2.2.3	2006-06-09	improved handling in case of many files
2.3	2006-09-14	generalized handling of hdr and fits files, support mcalib packing by name, simplified configuration
2.3.1	2006-09-19	modified handling of fitsort (qfits)
2.3.2	2006-12-05	support for mcalib fits files suspended
2.3.3	2007-10-22	comments to Paranal DATAFLOW included
2.3.4	2007-12-12	improved handling of P69-71 run_ids (need a trailing blank for sched_rep database)
3.0	2008-01-11	HTML reports with extended functions
3.1	2008-01-22	hidden files are marked
3.2	2008-02-14	query option and option All added
3.2.1	2008-03-17	RAW_FILE_NUMBERS=YES enforced; raw_comments in database
3.2.2	2008-03-26	bug fixed with date_comments query 
3.2.3	2008-05-23	bug fixed with file comments query
3.2.4	2008-05-26	suppress "060.A" prog.ids
3.2.5	2008-05-28	bug fixed with large number of list files
3.2.6	2008-06-17	bug fixed with duplicate raw file comments (line 1288)
3.3	2008-08-14	checks for NGAS availability; all 60. run_ids rejected for SCIENCE criteria
3.3.1	2008-09-26	file n/a in NGAS: first box red
3.3.2	2008-10-06	supports hdr files in GEN_CALIB/gen
3.4	2008-12-18	transfers output to $DFO_WEB_SERVER; displays scores
3.4.1	2009-01-12	bug fixed with database query response
3.4.2	2009-01-15	bug fixed with SSYMBOL
3.5	2009-03-17	new options -O and -G (selected reports for RUN_ID); link to HELP added
3.5.1	2009-04-01	bug fixed with 'head -1'
3.5.2	2009-04-08	improved handling of multiple empty spaces in line 1226; ONMOUSEOVER obsolete
3.5.3	2009-09-11	color code for TECHNICAL same as for CALIBs
3.5.4	2009-10-06	exceptional waiver for hiding option
3.5.5	2009-10-14	fix issue with OB_ID=-1
3.6	2010-02-23	stabilized for high number of files; parallel execution enabled, new option -T; EXPTIME terminated
3.6.1	2010-04-14	opc70..sched_rep
3.6.2	2010-04-20	starts looping if N_files > 2000 (mode -r) [SMo]
3.6.3	2010-07-26	bug fixed with 'grep -v 60\.' instead of 'grep -v 60.' 
3.6.4	2010-07-29	improved handling for P69-P71 files in getFlag
3.6.5	2010-08-02	improved update of score links for historical data
3.6.6	2010-08-31	minor modification to ensure that always grade and comment for the last instance of an OB is displayed
3.7	2011-03-30	enhanced output table (dataTables)
3.7.1	2011-04-21	$COMMENT_EDITOR uses $DFO_EDITOR
3.7.2	2011-06-27	bug fixed with comment_createReport.esh
3.8	2011-11-07	RUN_ID mode terminated; all dependencies from updateDP resolved
3.8.1	2012-02-06	special handling for UVES OB grades and comments
3.9	2012-09-20	disabled: FTP_HOSTID, abstracts; simplified: SCIENCE statistics; links to new nightlog tool; observations-->obs_metadata
3.9.1	2012-10-02	modified format of NLT date link
3.9.2	2012-10-14	use only DPR.CATG=SCIENCE files for the SM_VM flag
3.9.3	2012-10-26	number of RAW files displayed properly if 0; get rid of useless fitsreport log file
4.0	2013-01-04	new architecture, optimized for speed; safety switch for NHDR > 2000
4.0.1	2013-01-30	bug fix for handling of hidden files (:1210)
4.0.2	2013-07-23	bug fixed for 'ldquo' and nightlog links
4.0.3	2014-02-17	replace 'switch' by 'change' in awk commands (for OS upgrade)
4.0.4	2014-08-14	bug fix with 'ldquo'
4.0.5	2015-03-23	ConnectTimeOut removed
4.1	2015-08-31	improved display of grades/comments
4.1.1	2015-11-30	bug fix with INFO_FILE
4.2 	2016-10-26	improved query mode
4.2.1	2017-03-06	prepared for P100 (0060)
4.3	2017-07-21	all PANL2 related content removed
4.3.1	2018-08-02	UPDATE timestamp in UT
4.3.2	2019-04-26	bug fix in line :264 for QUERY mode 
4.3.3 	2020-02-07	updated getFlag to support both old and new (P105+) runID format