1.0     2013-06-17	implemented for UVES IDPs
1.0.2	2014-05-07	read phase3 parameters from config.ingestProducts
1.0.3	2014-05-22	new installation of IngestionTool: path is /opt/dfs/share/IngestionTool-2.1.2.jar
1.0.4	2014-10-21	now as standard installation 
1.0.5	2015-04-17	SCP_TIMEOUT removed 
1.0.6	2015-09-25	check for .lock file
1.1	2016-04-25	adapted to new version of ingestiontool; COLLECTION_NAME and RELEASE_TAG obsolete
1.1.1	2016-06-10	JAVA_BIN modified;  COLLECTION_NAME, RELEASE_TAG obsolete
1.2	2016-06-22	uses MASTER/SLAVE for transfer of log files; iterates upon NGAS_ERROR
1.2.1	2016-07-18	added some help in case of ingestion issues; MAX_SIZE in config.ingestProducts
1.3	2017-04-04	enabled for PHOENIX DEEP mode 
1.4	2018-01-08	supports overwriting (new version) of IDPs
1.4.1	2019-01-03	proper response added if called with VALIDATE_ONLY; version and help for IngestionTool adapted to suppress useless logging
1.4.2	2020-10-28	modified syntax for validate-only and enable-updates; change of ingestiontool.properties; JAVA_HOME configured