The idea of the QC shiftleader is to have a QC scientist on duty who checks that the
primary QC services are up and running, for all instruments. This is motivated by the
fact that some of the QC services are critical for the mission to close the QC loop
with Paranal.
The goal is to check, once a day, that the technical processes are up and running,
that issues found are understood, and that the proper groups at DMO are informed about
If a deeper analysis is required, or a hanging process can be reanimated,
there is a shiftleader account qc_shift@muc02 which
can be used to login to any operational account. There is a little script 'bin/refresh_ALL_calCheckers' that you could call e.g. after a major database issue.
As the QC shiftleader, you are not required to analyse QC issues (like open analysis
cases or red scores), but you have the license to do so.
Please confirm after checking that all was ok, or leave a note about issues found.