Hintertux, Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hintertux, Saturday, October 24, 2009

The earliest start of the season ever (except for when I cheat and go to Chile). It had been snowing for a week, down to 900 meters I think. They had gotten 150 cm of powder in Hintertux, and Saturday was the first nice sunny day after that. Powder everywhere, off-piste any place you'd like. Morning started out in a thick soup and the first run down the gefrorende wand was done carefully as the visibility was only a few meters. At 10 am the skies opened and we had blue skies, great temperature, almost no wind, and loads of sunshine for the rest of the day. Perfect day really.

That was the weather that day

View from the top of the Gletcherbus 3 exit towards the backside.

Poor Masa had a tough time with his short skis in all that powder, and this was the *historical day* when he finally decided that he would get himself a pair of *real* skis. Next time we ski he will have long skis he told me. We'll see :-)

Masa - "Hunter of the Cosmic Skeletons"

Look at the tiny sticks on his feet, :-) they were too short for the snow we had that day.

Me hanging out on the slope enjoying the view down the "backside" of the gefrorende wand just after the skies had opened up for the sun. They had had no time to run the pisten-rauben anywhere (I am not sure they ever do it on this slope though), so all except the blue runs on the other side were mostly "tief schnee" conditions.

View down the gefrorende wand (steep drop off centimeters behind my boots marks the top of the slope). Far behind me you see the other side of the top saddle with runs down the other mountain side. On the left side one of the blue slopes has been prepared, on the right you have an off-piste paradise.

In the meantime, look at those pictures, and cry your heart out that you were not there with us. It was truly perfect conditions and the talabfahrt was already open to the mittelstation ... in October !

Palle Møller - pmoller[at]eso.org
Last updated: 04 November 2009