---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bids ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the order of bids: -------------------------- pass, 7, 7+, 8, 8+, 9, sol, 9+, 10, ren sol, 10+, 11, 11+, 12, 12+, 13, 13+ Add ons ------- "+" in the above list means one of the "add ons" to a bid. The add ons all count at the same level and currently we play with: gode (good ones) i.e. clubs for trump gamle (old ones) i.e. NT = sans = no trump halve (half ones) i.e. ask your partner, partner then decides, and partner also gets to decide who trades with "the cat" (katten) vip (turn) turn one of the cards of the cat for trump, you may do that 3 times (but cannot return of course). flaek (cleave) the same as "vip" Forehand -------- The special bid: kan selv (can do that myself) can only be used by the forehand (sometimes the bid is simply stated as "forhaand" or "det ka jaj osse" or similar. The game is very colloquial and invites the invention of local rules and terms). This bid means that the forehand has to take over "the exact" bid of the next player. If the next player said "9 gamle" then that is exactly the bid you copy. So, even if 9 gamle and 9 vip are at the same level they are NOT interchangeable. Gaa med ------- This can be used only after a sol or ren sol bid, basically this allows 2 or more players all to play sol at the same time. There are two possible ways to use this bid, one is simple - the other is a little complex. First we take the simple version. If the player in forehand has bid "sol", then the next player may bid "gaa med" or "jeg gaar med" which means "I join in". In this case both players must play sol (the forehand cannot back out at this point). The player in forehand gets to trade with the kat first, after that the second player gets to trade. That player is allowed to know which of the 3 cards were originally in the cat, and which were dropped by the other player. Now the more complex situation. If the player in forehand has bid e.g. "9", and the next player has bid "sol", and if the forehand also wants to bid "sol", then the player in forehand has two options: Either to say "kan selv" (I can do that myself) or "jeg gaar med". If the forehand player chooses "gaa med" then the situation is exactly as above only reversed. I.e. the "forehand player" has given the forehand away to the next player. Both have to play sol, but trading with the cat is now done in reversed order. The second option is that the forehand player bids "kan selv". In that case he/she keeps the forehand and takes over the "sol" bid. In this case the second player is now released of the sol and does not have to play it. If the second player does, then the bid has now to be "gaa med". Alles klar, oder? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to count points ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click on the link " How to compute score and Gran-Score-Matrix". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Basic rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may "top up" your own bid, but only at the same level of tricks. I.e. if your contract is "9" you may still choose clubs or no trump or even vip or halve if you like. You may NOT go from 9 to 10 or from 9+ to 10 or higher. So, if in e.g. "9 gamle" then you MUST play NT. Forehand starts with the player left of dealer (not as in Bridge with the dealer). Lead is always by player left of dealer no matter who has the contract. Joker is certain trick if you lead with it (cannot be taken by anything) but useless if you dont lead with it. First lead cannot be Joker (i.e. Joker may not be played as first card of first trick). As in Bridge it is STRENG VERBOTEN to talk, give signs, smile, groan, look crosseyed etc, etc ... unlike bridge an important part of the game is to find ways to break this rule as often as you can. When you do (and it is seen by the opponents) it is customary to get a penalty. Penalty is *always* a round of beer to the table :-) No other basic rules yet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All 4 Aces ---------- If you have all 4 aces you may select a "partner king" instead of a "partner ace". Rules are the same (e.g. partner king must be played first time the suit is played, even if it falls on the Ace). Paa roeven ---------- If the player with the contract, after trading with the cat, does not have any cards in the suit of the partner ace he/she may announce to be "paa roeven" and place a card face down on the table. This card is now re-defined as being the lowest card of the suit of the partner ace (e.g. 1/2 of hearts if the partner ace is the ace of hearts). The other players may not see the card, not even after it has been played. Vip --- You complete the "vipping" before you chose the partner. When you have a trump you chose the partner. You may not chose the ace of trump as partner ace. You must buy all the cards that you "vipped", but if there are still cards in the cat which are face down you may chose whether to buy those or not. Half Cheshire ------------- If "halve" is bid and the partner ace is in the "kat", the player must choose a trump by looking at his/her own 13 cards ONLY. No additional information from the "kat" is allowed. The player may choose "vip" then, but that causes the price to be doubled once more (once for halve + once for vip). The player is still not allowed to pick the partner ace for trump (unless he/she chooses vip and stops when that suit comes, se also rules about "Halve vip"). Halve vip --------- It is possible to bid "halve" and then for your partner to declare "vip". This will double the score twice, and this will in fact make it possible to have the partner ace be trump. This is the only way that this can happen. All pass -------- If all 4 players pass (has so far happened once in about 200 games), then the play is "pass". This means Aces are highest, no trumph. The player with the fewest tricks in the end wins the pass (if more have the fewest then they share). All the other players must pay 20 points for each trick they take to the winner (if 2 winners then they share, i.e. they get 10 each).