-------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the rough basic system of how the score is computed for Gran Contracts. Just to give an idea but we are not using this. Contract base-price 7 10 8 20 9 40 10 60 11 80 12 100 -> 200 (Double because bid is lille-slem) 13 100 -> 400 (4-Double because bid is store-slem) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Double this for under-tricks. Multiply by number of undertricks (for now we do not double here if the bid was 13 which has never happened so far anyway). Double for each time a "special bid" was made. I.e. double if vip or halve, double again if then clubs (gode) or NT (gamle). Double if 12 tricks were made (lille-slem), 4-Double if 13 tricks were made (store-slem) Based on the above one can make a matrix of bid+result -> score. That then comes out to be a little non-logical in certain places of the matrix, so I have "smoothed" the distribution a little and arrived at the matrix given below. For a successfully played contract we use this matrix which is basically built upon the above but slightly modified to make it monotonic. It includes slam-doublings and undertrick doublings. Obviously you need to double it extra for "special bids". When the game is over, go to the line of the bid in the left column, then move to the right to find the column of the result, and in the matrix find the base score. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_Result | | | | | | | || | | \_ | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 || 12 | 13 | Bid \_ | | | | | | | || | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------| 7 | -40 | -20 || *10* | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 || 120 | 280 | -----------------------------------------------------------||-------------| 8 | -120 | -80 | -40 || *20* | 40 | 60 | 80 || 200 | 480 | -----------------------------------------------------------||-------------| 9 | -320 | -240 | -160 | -80 || *40* | 60 | 80 || 250 | 600 | -----------------------------------------------------------||-------------| 10 | -600 | -480 | -360 | -240 | -120 || *60* | 80 || 250 | 600 | -----------------------------------------------------------||-------------| 11 | | | -640 | -480 | -320 | -160 || *80* || 250 | 600 | -----------------------------------------------------------||-------------| -----------------------------------------------------------||-------------| 12 | | |-2000 |-1600 |-1200 | -800 | -400 || *400*| 800 | -----------------------------------------------------------||-------------| 13 | | |-2400 |-2000 |-1600 |-1200 | -800 | -400 |*1600*| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Base | | 10 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 | 100 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extrapolating the matrix to the left (needed only for big losses) is selfevident. A player who is partner with himself gets points from all other 3 players, or must pay to them all. ------------------------------------------------------------- Sol is 50 per player, Ren Sol is 100 per player ------------------------------------------------------------- Pass: The winner gets 20 points from each player for each trick that player made. -------------------------------------------------------------