Our version of Чикаго with Russian scoring ------------------------------------------- We play this when we are 5 players. For each hand we will change the teams (one player goes out, one player of the other team will change seat) so that we get to play many different combinations of teams. The player who is dummy during the play of a contract will prepare the hands for the next deal, and will then be out during the next game. I will prepare the hands for the first deal, the dummy of the first contract will prepare the next, etc etc. We should try to make sure that we all get to "sit out" the same number of times. This means playing 10, 15, 20, or 25 deals. At our current speed I think that we play around 4 deals per hour - so 15 (maybe 20 ?) should be a realistic goal. If someone has already been "sitting out" 3 times, then if he becomes dummy then he should swap with partner and play the contract. Preparing hands --------------- Shuffle and deal. There is no need to cut, and the shuffling is not terribly important. This is because we are now playing against the tables, not against the opponents, so a strong hand may not be an advantage at all. So shuffle a bit, then deal in 4 stacks. For each hand you count the HCP, place the hand in the folder under a deck name (A to D), write the HCP on the score sheet under the correct name. If it turns out that none of the 4 hands have an opening hand (if they all have less than 13 points), then you are allowed to either re-deal, or to simply move some cards from one hand to another, just to save the time from a 4-pass re-deal situation. Also write your own name down under "Prepared by". In the end add all 4 numbers to make sure the sum is 40. When the players are ready, let them pick a deck number at random. Write the name of the player next to the deck, THEN give the player the deck. AT NO POINT ALLOW ANYONE TO READ THE FORM YOU ARE FILLING IN !!! When all 4 decks are given, write the name of the partners (only once for each team), and the total HCP for each team. Have the teams roll for vulnerability and mark with "z" in the Z col if they are. With this information you can now look up the target score of the teams (below) and write it in the form. Do NOT let anyone see you do this! Also write down the name of the player who has the opening bid (we should all have the same number in the end i.e. 3 or 4), and the final contract. Players ------- Just play as normal. Please keep track of how many times you have had the opening bid and how many rounds you have been out (note down on a piece of paper). When you hit 3 then pls let us know - first we aim for 12-13 hands with max 3 each, it it becomes obvious that we get to play more than 15 then we can allow "min 3, max 4" each. Also I recommend always to write down your total HCP for the hand you have. After the game it is nice to be able to check that the target points are indeed correct. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scoring ------- Scoring is first completely normal except that the game bonus is 500 when vulnerable, 300 when not vulnerable (irrespective of opponent vulnerability). Any part-game score gives a bonus of 50. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 40 HCP in all. The team which held more HCP finds its target score, which depends on whether they were vulnerable or not, from the table below and then subtracts that from the obtained score. For HCP of 31 or more the target score gets very high because the possibility of a "slam" is there. Since we have not yet learned how to bid a slam contract, I have made a modified version with lower target points (ignoring slam contracts) for 31 HCP or more. ------------------------------------------- High Card Target Points Not Vul. Vulnerable ------------------------------------------- 20 0 0 21 50 50 22 70 70 23 110 110 24 200 290 25 300 440 26 350 520 27 400 600 28 430 630 29 460 660 Those are the correct numbers, for 30 490 690 now we use the ones to the left. 31 520 720 600 900 32 550 750 700 1050 33 580 780 900 1350 34 610 810 1000 1500 35 640 840 1100 1650 36 670 870 1200 1800 37 700 900 1300 1950 38 730 930 1300 1950 39 760 960 1300 1950 40 790 990 1300 1950 ------------------------------------------- The differences is converted to IMPs (IMPs will be negative if the score minus target is negative) using this table: Point difference IMPs ------------------------------------------- 0 - 10 0 20 - 40 1 50 - 80 2 90 - 120 3 130 - 160 4 170 - 210 5 220 - 260 6 270 - 310 7 320 - 360 8 370 - 420 9 430 - 490 10 500 - 590 11 600 - 740 12 750 - 890 13 900 - 1090 14 1100 - 1290 15 1300 - 1490 16 1500 - 1740 17 1750 - 1990 18 2000 - 2240 19 2250 - 2490 20 2500 - 2990 21 3000 - 3490 22 3500 - 3990 23 4000 or more 24 ------------------------------------------- Both players get the IMPs, the opponents get the opposite IMPs such that the total IMP given in each single hand is always zero.