------------------------------------------------------------------ "2-deck parallel shuffling", text taken from one of the web-sites: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Deal ---- The cards are shuffled by the player to dealer's left and cut by the player to dealer's right. The dealer deals out all the cards one at a time so that each player has 13. Turn to deal rotates clockwise. It is traditional to use two packs of cards. During each deal, the dealer's partner shuffles the other pack and places it to the right. The dealer for the next hand then simply needs to pick up the cards from the left and pass them across to the right to be cut. Provided all the players understand and operate it, this procedure saves time and helps to remember whose turn it is to deal, as the spare pack of cards is always to the left of the next dealer. ------------------------- So, let us try to concentrate all of us to follow this scheme. It really speeds up the games. Simple steps to help us get this rolling: ----------------------------------------- 1) When a game is finished, look at the spot between you and your opponent on the left. If there is a stack of cards, then it is your turn to deal. 2) Take the cards, place them in front of the opponent on your right, he/she must now "cut". 3) Deal the cards, 1 at a time. 1a) If you notice that your partner is starting to deal cards, then collect all the cards of the previous game and start shuffling them. Keep shuffling as long as your partner is dealing. 2a) When your partner has finished dealing, take your stack of cards, place them between you and your opponent on your right side. He will then deal next round. 4) Dealer is the one who starts the bidding.