Non NT hand - opener -------------------- 0-5 points - dont 6-9 points - dont 10-12 points - dont 13-15 points - 1 in suit (or 12 HCP) 16-18 points - 1 in suit 19-20 points - 1 in suit 21-22 points - 2 in suit 23-24 points - 2 in suit NT hand - opener ---------------- 0-5 points - dont 6-9 points - dont 10-12 points - dont 13-15 points - 1 in suit, next time 1 NT (or 12-14 HCP) 16-18 points - 1 NT (or 15-17 HCP) 19-20 points - 1 in suit, next time 2 NT 21-22 points - 2 in suit, next time 2 NT 23-24 points - 2 NT After opening 1 in suit - responder (WITH 4 or more trump fit) -------------------------------------------------------------- Recount your DPs (5-3-1 instead of 3-2-1). Add a point for each trump more than the 4. 0-5 points - dont (unless partner opened at 2 level) 6-9 points - 2 in openers suit 10-12 points - 3 in openers suit 13-xx points - 4 in openers suit IMPORTANT NOTE TO THE ABOVE: You can only answer in openers suit if you have the minimum 4 cards in that suit. After opening 1 in suit - responder (WITHOUT 4 trump fit) --------------------------------------------------------- 0-5 points - dont (unless partner opened at 2 level) 6-9 points - 1 in suit or 1 NT (only if 1 in suit is impossible). 10-12 points - lowest possible new suit (1 if possible but 2 is allowed) 13-xx points - bid new suit. You may jump in new suit if that is long enough and you have nothing else playable. Or you may wait and do that later if there are more options to try out. Your new suit is forcing a round so you are sure to get another chance. After opener has shown NT hand - responder ------------------------------------------ Ignore minor suits from now on. Check if there may be a possibility for major suit fit. If there is, and you have 8 points then use Stayman. If not, then count your high-card-points (HCP) ONLY, and compute what you have together with partner. You will reach a "range" defined by a lower limit and an upper limit. Do the logical thing after that (pass, invite or go in game). Remember that one of openers points is likely to be a DP which is of no value in NT so subtract that point first. General notes ------------- You and partner are always looking for a "fit". A fit is minimum 8 cards in the same suit. 4-4 is good, 5-3 is better. You can therefore only make a bid in a suit if you have minimum 4 cards in it. Each time you re-bid a suit you add one card to its length (so second time you bid hearts you show that you have 5 hearts). New suit from responder is always "forcing a round", i.e. opener MUST keep the bidding going, new suit from opener is NOT forcing a round. Responder is always allowed "simple preference", that NEVER shows extra strength.