#! /bin/csh # #.file meteorun_garching #.purpose calls the meteoli MeteoMonitor program, # converts the result in appropriate format, and # loops forever #.usage # Debug: meteorun # Real operation: meteorun > /dev/null & #.version Nov97 OR.Hainaut # # 2017-02-06 oh removed ppmto gif, relies only on imageMagick # Modification FG 02/oct/2000 The new asm machine for La Silla is wlsasm.ls.eso.org #- definitions: #*#*#set asmWs = wlsasm.ls.eso.org #- Initializations: @ i = 1 set path=( . .. /usr/local/bin $path) /bin/cp dimm.dat dimm.bup @ lastStored = 0 while(1) echo "--$i--------------" date #-- get the last data wget "http://www.meteo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wetter:garching:neu" -O doku.txt echo "dbg: read_garching" read_garching mv dimm_new.dat dimm.dat rm -f ntt.last dimm.last echo "dbg: check UT" date -u +"%H%M" >! ut.last ln -s current.gif current_`cat ut.last`.gif ln -s current_zoom.gif current_zoom_`cat ut.last`.gif ln -s xearth.gif xearth_`cat ut.last`.gif #-- create the new page and graphs. echo "meteoli" meteoli_garching #-- converts the PS into GIFs echo "convert ps to gif:" echo " current.ps" echo '(current.ps)run' | gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dNO_PAUSE -sDEVICE=ppmraw -dTextAlphaBits=4 -sOutputFile=current.ppm #v1 pnmcrop < current.ppm | ppmquant 256 | ppmtogif > currentTmp1.gif ### # mogrify -rotate 90 currentTmp.gif ### #v2 convert -rotate 90 currentTmp1.gif currentTmp.gif mv currentTmp.gif current.gif echo " current_zoom.ps" echo '(current_zoom.ps)run' | gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dNO_PAUSE -sDEVICE=ppmraw -dTextAlphaBits=4 -sOutputFile=current_zoom.ppm #v1 pnmcrop < current_zoom.ppm | ppmquant 256 | ppmtogif > current_zoomTmp.gif # mogrify -rotate 90 current_zoomTmp.gif #v2 convert -rotate 90 current_zoom.ppm current_zoomTmp.gif mv current_zoomTmp.gif current_zoom.gif #-- create the earth map echo "xearth" xearth -proj merc -pos fixed,0,0 -gif -size 320,150 -nostars -night 35 -ncolors 16 -term 100 >! xearth.gif #-- housekeeping: delete old files @ i = `ls -1 *gif | wc -l` if ( $i > 18 ) then @ i = $i - 18 rm `ls -1t {current,xearth}*gif | tail -$i` endif rm -f ps_* >& /dev/null #-- store ps in archive if ( `date -u +%d` != lastStored ) then if ( `date -u +%H` == 10 ) then cp meteomonitor.ps Archive/end`date -u +%y%m%d`.ps @ lastStored = `date -u +%d` endif endif #-- wait for next iteration echo "done, sleeping" sleep 81 @ i ++ end