Welcome to Marina Rejkuba's web site
I am an associate astronomer at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and head of the ESO's User Support Department (USD). I divide my time between work on scientific projects and support to ESO Operations.
My scientific interests are focused on the study of the resolved stellar content and globular cluster systems of nearby galaxies, with the aim to understand their formation and evolution. Besides studying stellar populations of nearby galaxies in the Local Group and beyond, I am also actively involved in the Milky Way bulge project. I am a member of the VVV survey and its extension VVVX, as well as follow-up spectroscopic bulge surveys such as GIBS, the FLAMES Large Programme.
The USD is in charge of providing support to observers who use ESO's Paranal Observatory facilities, assisting Science Operations Team at the observatory in efficiently executing the service mode observations, as well as defining user requirements and overseeing the development and implementation of observation tools. Furthermore in my role of head of USD, I am the main contact for ESO's Users' Committee, an advisory body to the Director General.

On the right you'll find the links to places I studied at, worked at, or visited for extended periods to collaborate with my colleagues, and on the top links to my research, curriculum vitae, and contact details.
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