Welcome to Ἰάσων Σπυρομίλιος’ web presence site.
I am the telescope scientist for ESO’s ELT.
I have been working on the EELT in various capacities since 2006. I headed the design office from 2006 to 2011 and have been the programme scientist and more recently the telescope scientist for the project. In 2013 I was seconded by ESO to SKA for one year. At the SKA organization headquarters at Jodrell Bank I worked on setting up the design office (head of project). I was Director of the the merged La Silla Paranal Observatory. La Silla Paranal observatory operates the La Silla, Paranal and APEX sites. From 1997 to 2004 I headed the commissioning team at the VLT and later was deputy director and telescope scientist of Paranal. From mid-95 to mid-97 I led the NTT upgrade project. I was hired at ESO in 1994 as instrument scientist for ISAAC. I was appointed an SERC research fellow (1989-1991) and later a staff member (1991-1994) at the Anglo Australian Observatory. At the AAO I was instrument scientist for UCLES, UHRF (where the Lego train was used to move calibration lamps) and later for IRIS. During that time I developed the IRIS data reduction package.
I read physics both as an undergraduate (1983-1986) and postgraduate (1986-1989) at Imperial College.
I can be reached at jason.spyromilio (at) eso.org