The plug-in used to customize an NGAS system are as follows:

1. Online Plug-In: used to mount the storage media (disk) found in this system, check that these are accessible and to extract the information needed by NG/AMS to access these.

2. Offline Plug-In: Unmounts the storage media and cleans up.

3. Data Archiving Plug-In: Used to handle the checking of data files being archived, to process the data, and to extract information about the file, which is subsequently returned to NG/AMS.

4. Checksum Plug-In: Used by NG/AMS to calculate a checksum (CRC32) for the files being archived. The checksum is stored in the DB together with the name of the Checksum Plug-In. The Data Consistency Checking Thread uses the stored valued to check the condition of each data file.

5. Data Processing Plug-In: A Processing Plug-In can be specified when retrieving a data file via the RETRIEVE Command. NG/AMS will invoke the plug-in on the data, and return the output of the processing plug-in. In this way it it possible to reduce the amount of data returned and to use the NGAS Cluster as a number cruncher.

6. Registration Plug-In: Used in connection with the REGISTER Command to register files already stored on an NGAS Storage Media. It extracts the information about the file and returns this to NG/AMS, but leave the data file untouched.

7. Label Printer Plug-In: The Label Printer Plug-In is used to control the connected label printer device to print out the label to attach to the storage disks.

8. Filter Plug-In: The Filter Plug-In is used e.g. in connection with the Subscription Service by Subscribers to specify/identify which data files should be delivered to them.

9. Suspension Plug-In: Used when an NGAS Host has decided to suspend itself to shut down the system in a clean way.

10. Wake-Up Plug-In: Used by an NGAS Node requested to wake up a suspended NGAS Node.