The 'infrastructure' used internally by NG/AMS for managing the data files and other files to be handled is shown in the figure above.

Some information will be stored on the system disk(s) of the NGAS Node. This is the Back-Log Buffer, the Processing Area, the Global Bad Files Directory, log files and temporary files used e.g. in connection with the Data Consistency Checking or Janitor Thread for the DB synchronization based on the DB Snapshot Feature.

The connected storage media is typically organized in pairs of two disks, a Main Disk and a Replication Disk. On the Main Disk a Staging Area can be found where files are stored until they are moved to their final destination. Also a Bad Files Area is available for files, which were classified as bad. Also the storage area is of course located on the disk. The filename of the files in the DB is given relative to the mount point of a storage disk.

On the Main Disk also the NgasDiskInfo XML document can be found. It contains the information about the disk from the DB. It is used by the system to mark the disk as a registered NGAS Disk. Also the directory ".db" is found on the disk (not shown). It contains the information in connection with the DB Snapshot feature.

The Replication Disk has the same structure as the Main Disk, although no Staging Area and Bad Files Area are located on this disk.

It is possible to have Disk Set with only one Main Disk.