---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:Disk Performance Test: [root@ngasdev1 NGAS]# /sbin/hdparm -t /dev/sda1 /dev/sda1: Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 1.25 seconds = 51.20 MB/sec [root@ngasdev1 NGAS]# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:Disk Test: Non-destructive read-write test (produced list of bad blocks): badblocks -nvs Destuctive test (__'s inserted to ensure that the wrong command is not cut and pasted): __bad__blocks__ __-svw__ Latter writes patterns on the disk while checking so that all data on the disk is lost. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:Export Release to SOS: sftp (or scp) your software to ngas@aclxint:/home/ngas/ngas_software/ this is then automatically rsynced to http://aclxint/addons/ngas/ngas_software/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:Mindi/mondo Creation: # mondoarchive -O -i -d /root/images -E "/root/images /tmp /NGAS" -F -l GRUB -k /boot/vmlinuz -s 695m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:NGAS Hosts: LS: w2p2nau, w2p2nbu, wlsahu. PAR: wvgnau, wvgnbu, wgsahu GAR: ngasp, jewel64/65/66/67/68/69/70/71/72 GAR/DEV: ngasdev1, ngasdev2 GAR/TMP: ngasdev3/4 (reserved for machines under testing/configuration) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:NGAS Manager Pages (Temporary): http://arcdev.eso.org/bin/jknudstr/NGAS/ngasCmdDispatcher.py ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:NGAS WEB Site: URL: http://www.eso.org/projects/ngas Login: ssh web4 -l jknudstr Add File: webcp "ngas/" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:Prepare disks (reiserfs, fdisk) 1.) you have to be root 2.) > fdisk /dev/sd* # * has to be replaced by the actual letter, e.g. /dev/sda 3.) fdisk is an interactive tool: In fdisk you have to create a new primary partition covering the whole disk, i.e. just use the defaults when it askks for the first and last blocks use the command w to write the partition definition to the disk and quit fdisk 4.) > mkreiserfs /dev/sd*1 # again the * has to be replaced by the letter (note the number!) 5.) > mount -t reiserfs /dev/sd*1 /NGAS/data1 6.) > chown ngas:ngas /NGAS/data1 7.) > chmod g+wx /NGAS/data1 8.) go back to 2.) for any further disk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:Ramdisk/Filedisk: Can be used to create a filesystem in a file (in this case ext3fs): Create a file system of the desired size and copy it to a file using dd: # /sbin/sfdisk /dev/sda # /sbin/mke2fs -j /dev/sda1 # dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/tmp/100kB_ext3fs bs=1024 count=96389 # mount -o loop /tmp/100kB_ext3fs /mnt/filedisk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:RedHat Network Configuration: The following files should be adjusted to each NGAS system: /etc/hosts /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!:Zope: Zope DB file: /opt/zope/var/Data.fs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------