NGAS Configuration

This document lists all files on which NGAS depends and which need to be installed and/or configured in order to make NGAS operational.

File/Module/Cron Job
Current Tag: NGAMS_V2_0
The NG/AMS Package CVS Python module. Install this as user ngasmgr.
Current Tag: PCC_V1_0
The PCC Package CVS Python module. Install this as user ngasmgr.
Current Tag: NGAMS_V2_0
The NGAS Utilities CVS Python module. Install this as user ngasmgr.
Current Tag: NGAMS_V2_0

CVS module that contains the various configuration files used in the various NGAS installations. Install this as user ngasmgr. The following NG/AMS Configuration Files are provided:

For Garching:

NgamsCfg.ESOECF.NMU.xml: Configuration for Main Unit in NGAS Cluster (+archive, +retrieve, +processing, -remove, +proxy).
NgamsCfg.ESOECF.NCU.xml: Configuration for an NGAS Node within the NGAS Cluster (-archive, +retrieve, +processing, -remove, -proxy).
NgamsCfg.ESOECF.AHU.xml: Configuration for the NGAS Archive Handling Unit (Preperation Unit) (+archive, +retrieve, +processing, +remove, -proxy).
NgamsCfg.SEGSRV12.SEG.xml: Configuration for the SEG NGAS Test machine (VCM) (+archive, +retrieve, +processing, +remove, +proxy).

For La Silla:

NgamsCfg.OLASLS.NAU.xml: Configuration for the WFI Archiving Unit (+archive, -retrieve, -processing, -remove, -proxy).
NgamsCfg.OLASLS.NBU.xml: Configuration for the WFI Buffering Unit (-archive, -retrieve, -processing, -remove, -proxy).
NgamsCfg.OLASLS.AHU.xml: Configuration for the Archive Handling Unit (+archive, -retrieve, -processing, -remove, -proxy).

Link to link in the NGAS Configuration Module:


Must be created manually.


Link to the actual NG/AMS Configuration used by this NGAS system, e.g.


This link must be created manually!

NOTE: TBD if we should continue with this scheme with double links in connection with the configuration file -- maybe one is enough.


This directory contains the following files:

ngamsDiskFormat: Used to format disks. Link to /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/ Link to: /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/

ngamsIngest: DHS client to ingest data into NGAS. Only relevant for LS. This process will be moved to the DHS WS.

ngamsIngest_startup: Used to start up ngasmIngest. Link to /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/

ngamsPClient: NG/AMS Python Client. Link to the NG/AMS P-Client /opsw/NGAS/ngams/ngamsPClient/

ngamsCClient: Link to binary of the NG/AMS C-Client (/opsw/NGAS/ngams/ngamsCClient/ngamsCClient).

ngamsServer: NG/AMS Server application. Link to the NG/AMS Server application, /opsw/NGAS/ngams/ngamsServer/

ngasLogProcessor: Used to archive log files at the WFI NAU. Link to /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/

utilFitsChecksum: Used to calculate the FITS checksum.

All the links + tools mentioned above, have to be made executable for all (chmod a+x ---).

/opt/sybase Sybase module.

This file must contain the relevant entry for accessing the ESOECF and OLASLS NGAS DBs:

ESOECF 12 10
        query tcp sun-ether 9500
        query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x0002251c86ab02060000000000000000
        query tcp sun-ether 2025
        query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x000207e986ab02640000000000000000
        query tcp sun-ether 2250
        query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x000208ca86ab02070000000000000000
        master tli tcp /dev/tcp \x000207e986ab02640000000000000000
query tcp ether 4100
NGAS DB, Table ngas_hosts One entry for each NGAS host in the cluster should be inserted.
/opsw/util/python<ver> Python installation. For the moment ver=2.1.
/opsw/util/python Link to the version currently used, e.g. /opsw/util/python2.1/.

NGAS depends on the following files/modules in this directory: Sybase module used to access Sybase from Python., Compiled cfitsio binary integrating cfitios into Python.

ngams -> /opsw/NGAS/ngams: Link to the NG/AMS package to make NG/AMS publically available.

pcc -> /opsw/NGAS/pcc: Link to the PCC package to make PCC publically available.

Other files/modules contained in the site-packages directory on an NGAS machine not directly used by NGAS:

Numeric, Numeric.pth,, README,, mx,,,


NGAS depends on the following files/modules in this directory:

ngamsIngest: Only relevant for LS. Start-up script to start the ngamsIngest process (probbaly no relevant anymore on the NGAS system, since it will probably run on the DHS machine. This binary must be delivered by SEG.

ngamsServer: Start-up script for the NG/AMS Server. This is a link to: /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/

ngasFirewall: Script to set up the firewall used by NGAS. This is a link to: /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/

zopeWatchDog: Only relevant for for the moment. Used to supervise the Zope server on jewel68 and to restart it. Link to: /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/zopeWatchDog.

Linux boot/start-up script(s) DSU: Get description of how start-up script work (etc/inittab) ....
Cron Jobs on jewel68

On jewel68 a cron job is run on a daily basis to check if there are files missing in the NGAS DB compared to the Observations DB.In addition there is acron job to back-up the Zope DB. The cron jobs are as follows:

ngasmgr@jewel68:/etc/init.d> crontab -l
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (crontab installed on Tue Oct 29 14:08:35 2002)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
00 12 * * * /home/ngasmgr/CRONTAB/ /home/ngasmgr/CRONTAB/ngasExemptFileList
00 17 * * * rcp /opt/zope/var/Data.fs web@acwebint:/home/web/archive/docs/NGAST/zope/.

Cron Job on w2p2nau

On a cron job is executed on a daily basis to archive the NG/AMS Log File. The cron job is defined as follows:

ngasmgr@w2p2nau:~> crontab -l
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.12297 installed on Wed Jan 15 12:43:13 2003)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
00 12 * * * /opsw/NGAS/ngasUtils/src/ -host w2p2nau -port 7777 -l /NGAS/ngams_staging/msg/LogFile.nglog -wd /NGAS/ngams_staging/msg/ngasHandleNgamsLogFile

Environment Variables

Following environment variables should be defined (normally defined in ~/.bashrc):

PATH=/sbin:/home/ngasmgr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/bin:/usr/games/bin:/usr/games:/opt/gnome/bin: /opt/kde2/bin:.:/opsw/NGAS/bin/:/opsw/NGAST/bin:/opt/sybase/bin:/opsw/util/bin:/opsw/NGAS/bin/:/opsw/NGAST/bin: /opt/sybase/bin:/opsw/util/bin

NOTE: The definition of env. var.s is not OK. E.g., PATH is growing for each xterm opened, i.e., env. var.s are not created form scratch.


The module contains the sources of the version of Zope used. The Zope DB file is called: /opt/zope/var/Data.fs. This file is copied on a daily basis to acwebint (see Cron Jobs on jewel68 above). It thus can be reovered from the back-up file.

Two scripts in /opt/zope are available for starting/stopping Zope: /opt/zope/start and /opt/zope/stop.

S- Files (System Files) with Special Permissions DSU: Provide description of this (-rw-rw-r-- 1 root ngas 703 Feb 3 15:32 /etc/fstab).
User Accounts

Two accounts are needed: ngas and ngasmgr: --- DSU: GET UIDs alloacted by HelpDesk for these users


/NGAS In the present configuration all NGAS Disks are mounted under this directory (located on a system disk). Also the various NG/AMS directories, like e.g. the Back-Log Buffer, and NG/AMS Log File are located under this path.

Should contain the following two entries:

root ALL=(ALL) ALL
ngasmgr ALL = NOPASSWD: /opsw/NGAS/bin/ngamsDiskFormat

Only relevant for the Garching AHU.


1. Usage of CVS:

Log into CVS: % cvs login (CVSROOT must be defined).

Check out tagged version of a CVS module: % cvs co -r NGAMS_V2_0 ngams (tag name is "NGAMS_V2_0" and module name is "ngams").

2. To be Improved (2003-02-13):

- Cannot execute /etc/init.d/ngamsServer as ngasmgr.

- Machines hangs after CTRL-ALT-DEL.

Page Last updated: 2003-02-14 9:57 - Jens Knudstrup/Dieter Suchar