Installation of the ELT Linux DevEnv with Vagrant 09/07/2018 Requiremets: * Linux server with enough resources to run a VM with the ELT DevEnv URL for downloads: * * RPMs fo download: * VirtualBox-5.2-5.2.14_123301_el7-1.x86_64.rpm * vagrant_2.1.2_x86_64.rpm Installation (as root): * rpm -ihv /tmp/VirtualBox-5.2-5.2.14_123301_el7-1.x86_64.rpm * rpm -ihv /tmp/vagrant_2.1.2_x86_64.rpm ELT DevEnv VM creation with the Vagrantfile * svn co Vagrant * cd Vagrant * vagrant up # it will create VM with the latest release * vagrant ssh # login on the VM with as user valgrant