Document: Standard Software List Definition: The standard software encompasses all software to be used to design, construct, build and deploy the CCS software. Date: 15.10.2020 Applicable: CentOS-8 DevEnv: 3.1.2 Package (RPM) Release Location ======================================== anaconda-eso 4.8.3 /opt ant 1.10.5 aravis 0.7.5 /opt autoconf 2.69 automake 1.16.1 binutils 2.30 bison 3.0.4 boost 1.73.0 /opt bzip2 1.0.6 catch2 2.11.1 /opt checkstyle 7.1.1 /opt cli 1.1.1 /opt cloc 1.86 /opt cmake 3.11.4 consul 1.6.9 cpl 7.1.2 /opt cpplint 1.4.5 /opt cppcheck 1.80 curl 7.61.1 diffutils 3.6 docker 1.12.6 doxygen 1.8.5 eclipse 4.16 emacs 26.1 findbugs 3.0.1 /opt gawk 4.2.1 gcc-toolset 9.2.1 gcc 8.3.1 gcovr 3.3 /opt gdb 8.2 gnuplot 5.2.4 google-benchmark 1.5.0 grep 3.1 gsl 2.5 /opt gtest 1.10.0 /opt gzip 1.9 hiredis 0.14.1 /opt httpd 2.4.37 jacoco 0.8.5 /opt jaeger-client-cpp 0.5.0 /opt java(openjdk) lapack 3.8.0 libbacktrace 200526 /opt libssh 0.9.0 llvm 10.0.0 /opt lmod 8.2.7 log4cplus 2.0.5 /opt m4 1.4.18 mailx 12.5 nix 2.3.4 /opt nomad 0.10.5 make 4.2.1 open625411 1.1.0 /opt OpenBLAS 0.3.9 /opt openssh 8.0p1 openssl 1.1.1c p7zip 16.02 perl 5.26.3 protobuffer 3.6.0 puppet-agent 6.9.0 /opt python 3.7.6 qt5 5.14.0 /opt redis++ 1.1.1 /opt sed 4.5 slalib_c 12.1701 /opt swig 4.0.1 /opt tcl 8.6.8 TestNG-java 6.12 /opt tk 8.6.8 unzip 6 vim-enhanced 8.0.1763 waf 2.0.20 wcslib 7.2O wireshark 3.2.5 zeromq 4.3.2 /opt zip 3