ifw-daq  3.0.0-pre2
IFW Data Acquisition modules
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables
status.hpp File Reference

Contains declaration for Status and ObservableStatus. More...

#include <chrono>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/signals2/signal.hpp>
#include "dpPart.hpp"
#include "state.hpp"
#include <daq/fits/keyword.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  daq::AlertId
 Uniquely identfies an alert. More...
struct  daq::Alert
 Describes an active Data Acquisition alert. More...
struct  daq::Status
 Non observable status object that keeps stores status of data acquisition. More...
class  daq::ObservableStatus
 Stores data acquisition status and allows subscription to status changes. More...
class  daq::ObservableStatus::DeferSignal
 Defer signal changes until later time. More...




bool daq::operator== (AlertId const &lhs, AlertId const &rhs) noexcept
bool daq::operator!= (AlertId const &lhs, AlertId const &rhs) noexcept
std::ostream & daq::operator<< (std::ostream &os, AlertId const &s)
Alert daq::MakeAlert (std::string_view category, std::string key, std::string description)
 Construct alert. More...
Alert daq::MakeAlert (AlertId id, std::string description)
AlertId daq::MakeAlertId (std::string_view category, std::string key)
bool daq::operator== (Alert const &lhs, Alert const &rhs) noexcept
 Comparison operator for Alert. More...
bool daq::operator== (Alert const &lhs, AlertId const &rhs) noexcept
bool daq::operator== (AlertId const &lhs, Alert const &rhs) noexcept
bool daq::operator!= (Alert const &lhs, Alert const &rhs) noexcept
std::ostream & daq::operator<< (std::ostream &os, Alert const &s)
std::ostream & daq::operator<< (std::ostream &os, std::vector< Alert > const &s)
void daq::SetAlert (std::vector< Alert > &alerts, Alert alert)
 Set alert. More...
bool daq::ClearAlert (std::vector< Alert > &alerts, AlertId const &alert)
 Clear alert. More...
std::ostream & daq::operator<< (std::ostream &os, Status const &s)
std::ostream & daq::operator<< (std::ostream &os, ObservableStatus const &s)


constexpr std::string_view daq::alert::REQUEST = "request"
 Request. More...
constexpr std::string_view daq::alert::TRANSFERRING_RSYNC = "transferring.rsync"
 Failure during rsync source copy. More...
constexpr std::string_view daq::alert::MERGING_MERGE = "merging.merge"
 Merging failed. More...

Detailed Description

Contains declaration for Status and ObservableStatus.

Definition in file status.hpp.

Class Documentation

◆ daq::AlertId

struct daq::AlertId

Uniquely identfies an alert.

Definition at line 52 of file status.hpp.

Class Members
string category Standardized category.
string key Unique key for each alert.

◆ daq::Alert

struct daq::Alert

Describes an active Data Acquisition alert.

category and key make up the unique identifier of an alert.

Definition at line 72 of file status.hpp.

Class Members
typedef system_clock Clock
typedef time_point TimePoint
Class Members
string description
AlertId id
TimePoint timestamp