
The Online Data Processing is a simple component aiming to provide a data processing toolkit, flexible and well integrated with the Instrument Control Software. It simplifies the way of executing existing image processing routines from CPL or CLIPM in C++ or Python scripts. It also enables to reuse pipeline recipes implemented in the scope of the Data Reduction Software (DRS), for instance during the instrument acquisition process.

The ODP component provides:

  • Direct access to the shared memory avoiding the I/O overhead of saving/loading FITS files (not yet available).

  • C++ object oriented API.

  • Direct access to the ELT CII services like logging (not yet available).

  • Access to the recipes and CPL like objects from Python which is not yet officially available. This enables programmers to combine CPL based recipes with the Python ecosystem.


This document is the user manual for the ELT ICS Framework - ODP. The intended audience are ELT users, consortia developers or software quality assurance engineers.



Central Control System


Common Library for Image Processing Module


Common Pipeline Library


Extremely Large Telescopen


Graphical User Interface


Instrument Control System


Online Data Processing

ODP Tree

The first level of the “odp” tree contains the following modules/file:

ifw-hl/odp/      # ODP component root directory
    ├── clipm    # Copy of CLIPM module from VLT (shall be removed in the future)
    ├── cppcpl   # C++ wrapper for CPL and CLIPM routines
    ├── pycpl    # Python bindings of the C++ library cppcpl.
    └── wscript  # WAF build script