Request & Pub/Sub Interfaces

The CCF implements the following CII MAL interfaces:

  • Standard Application Interface - “stdif”: Defines the set of requests and pub/sub topics that shall be implemented by all instrument applications.

  • DCS Application Interface - “dcsif”: Defines the set of requests that shall be implemented by DCS type of applications like CCF or NGC. No pub/sub topics are defined for this interface at this point in time.

  • Recorder Application Interface - “recif”: Defines the set of requests that shall be implemented by data recording type of applications like CCF or NGC. A data recording application, is typically an application sampling data from a source and storing this data in output Data Product Files. No pub/sub topics are defined for this interface at this point in time.

The common CII interfaces used by CCF are provided from within the ELT Development Environment. In Gitlab they are available at this URL:

These interfaces are documented in detail in the user manuals provided for each interface separately. This information will not be repeated in the CCF user’s manual, but some additional implementation detailed mentioned in this chapter instead.

In this release not all requests have been implemented. The requests not implemented are:

DCS Interface (“dcsif”):
  • Abort

  • Execute

  • GetDiagnostics

  • GetDpData

  • GetSetup

  • ReadPars

  • Recover

  • SetConfig

  • WritePars

  • GetConfig

Recording Interface (“recif”):
  • RecAbort

  • RecContinue

  • RecPause