ifw-daq  2.1.0-pre1
IFW Data Acquisition modules
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables
conf.py File Reference

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class  conf.Internal




def conf.setup (app)


list conf.extensions
string conf.source_suffix = '.rst'
string conf.master_doc = 'index'
bool conf.numfig = True
string conf.project = 'IFW Data Acquisition User Manual'
string conf.copyright = ' 2022 ESO - European Southern Observatory'
string conf.homepage = r'https://gitlab.eso.org/ifw/ifw-daq'
string conf.rst_prolog
string conf.author = 'Rosenquist, Calle'
 Update for each release: More...
string conf.version = '2.1.0-pre1'
string conf.prerelease = "-pre" in version
string conf.release = version
string conf.ifw_release = '4.0'
string conf.suffix = "+git.%s" % rev
 conf.language = None
list conf.exclude_patterns = []
string conf.pygments_style = 'default'
string conf.highlight_language = 'none'
bool conf.todo_include_todos = True
int conf.plantuml_batch_size = 100
string conf.html_theme = 'sphinx_eso_theme'
list conf.html_theme_path = ['_themes/', ]
bool conf.html_show_sourcelink = False
bool conf.html_copy_source = False
list conf.html_static_path = ['_static']
dictionary conf.html_context = {}
bool conf.html_show_sphinx = False
string conf.latex_toplevel_sectioning = 'section'
 conf.latex_docclass = dict(manual='article')
dictionary conf.latex_elements
string conf.latex_show_urls = 'footnote'
list conf.latex_documents