1. Introduction

The CII is the Common Integration Infrastructure of the ELT Central Control System.

1.1. Scope

This document is the user manual for the ELT CII.

1.2. Overview

List of CII user manuals:

  • Middleware Abstraction Layer: The Middleware Abstraction Layer (MAL) is a part of Core Integration Infrastructure (CII) and serves to decouple the CII applications from the communication middleware, permitting transparent functioning over multiple middleware stacks as well easing the substitution of one middleware implementation for another.

    • MAL API: The applications do not need to know any specifics of the various middleware software, MAL hides all the specifics via its API. The MAL API is an API only; it does not contain any actual mapping or dependency to any communication middleware product. MAL supports two standardized communication patterns on top of which all applications shall be built. These are: - Data centric publish-subscribe: decoupled peers based on data producers and consumers. - Request-response: coupled, state-full, peer-to-peer communication.

    • MAL Mappings: Describes configuration options for the following MAL mappings: DDS, ZPB and OPC UA.

    • MAL Python Mappings: This document provides information on use of Python MAL mappings interface also referred to as Python MAL API. Python MAL API builds on MAL C++ API foundation. It provides programming interface that is very similar to the programming interface that is exposed by MAL C++ API.

    • MAL ICD Generation: Manual for developing Interface Control Documents, specifically Type Definition Documents holding ICD types.

  • Configuration: Configuration provides the mechanisms for distributing configuration data to the control system application software and to allow for the collection of configuration data from these systems.

  • Online Database The Core Integration Infrastructure (CII) Online Database (OLDB) provides distributed data publishing and access to actual or live data for user interface and control applications that do not have low-latency or real-time performance requirements. The term “online” refers to the fact that the database provides current and live values for the monitor points of the control system.

  • Error Handling: Error Handling in CII provides the APIs and tools necessary to conveniently implement a common error handling mechanism across all EELT Control System applications and thus streamline the diagnosis of abnormal behavior of the system.

  • Logging: CII Log provides the logging and tracing services of the Control System. Logging pertains to all aspects of CII services. Its purpose is to provide basic and detailed information of the different services and systems in the CII in order to have a better understanding of the behaviour of the distributed system, and in particular to troubleshoot the system in case of problems.

  • Alarm: CII Alarm system uses Integrated Alarm System (IAS) [4] as its alarm system. IAS is a software whose main purpose is to get alarms and monitor points from different sources and generate alarms to present to the users who can range from operators in the control room, up to engineers sittings at their desks. The alarm system is a message-passing facility that routes information about abnormal situations detected from hardware or software to the user.

  • Telemetry: The purpose of the CII Telemetry Service is archiving the periodic, event-based and ad-hoc data that will be used for calculation of statistics, and the long-term trends and performance of the ELT telescope.